════|Chapter 5|════

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"Hinata!!" Sugawara yelled, a mixture of emotions displayed on his face and clear concern in his tone as he rushed towards the tiny player.

The rest of the team followed.

Sugawara rubbed Hinata's back as he continued to cough. Hinata covered his mouth with his hand as he clutched his chest with his other hand. The pain overwhelming his entire senses and blocking out his teammates worried cries.

"Hinata, just try to breathe!" Sugawara pleaded, hearing the young ginger heads coughs worsen. Hinata attempted to breathe it was impossible. The coughs kept coming and suddenly he felt the something cold on his hand.

Terror filled his eyes as he covered his mouth with both of his hands. He did his best to slowly calm his breaths, eventually his coughs died down and Yachi came running into the gym with three bottles of water.

Sugawara helped Hinata up and towards the wall. Hinata sat down and heaved a sigh, Yachi offered him a bottle of water which he gladly took and took a couple of sips.

He curled his bloody hand into a fist, trying to hide the red liquid that stained it.

"Hinata, are you ok?" Sugawara asked, placing his hand gently on Hinata's forehead. "You aren't sick... maybe you're overworking yourself?"

Ukai approached the sixteen-year-old and looked at him from head to toe. "Maybe you should sit out, we can't have you overworking yourself," he stated, "how long have you been feeling like this?"

"A few days...?" Hinata croaked, unsurely.

"Oh Hinata..." Sugawara trailed with a concerned expression, "maybe you should sit out, we can't have our strong player stay sick!"

Hinata's grip tightened on his water bottle, he forced a smile. "Ok!" He said and everyone nodded before continuing to finish their game. Hinata's gaze fixated on the ground as he bit the inside of his mouth. Slowly he forced himself up and slowly walked out of the gym.

Yachi noticed the ginger head quietly walk out of the gym and she followed, "Hinata!" She exclaimed. Hinata quickly turned a corner and hunched over, letting out the petals that he had kept inside his mouth.

"Hin... ata...?"

Hinata fell to his knees letting out a couple of weak coughs. He looked at his bloodied hand and slowly turned his head to Yachi, who was still overwhelmed with fear and shock.

A weak smile tugged at Hinata's lips as he rested against the wall. "Hey... Yachi..." he whispered.

"Hinata... you..." was all Yachi could manage. Her mind, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. Finally, after a moment of silence Yachi muttered out, "you have it...?"

Hinata looked at Yachi, his weak happy facade faded and was replaced with confusion. Yachi looked down at the small pool of blood and petals beside Hinata.

"What do you mean Yachi?" Hinata asked, swallowing hard.

Yachi handed the bottle she had to Hinata and sat down beside him. Her gaze fixated on the ground as she tried to find the right words to explain to the ginger head beside her.

Hinata looked at Yachi, waiting for an answer.

Yachi swallowed hard and bit her lip. "Hinata... you have Hanahaki Disease..." she said, almost as if she was out of breath.

The ginger head however did not know or has even heard of a disease. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side, indicating that he had not heard of it.

Yachi looked down at the ground and fiddled with her fingers. "Hanahaki Disease... is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient's throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, sometimes even the flowers." Yachi explained.

𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 | TsukiHina |✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon