Chapter 1

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Your POV:
Since that day, back when I was in middle school... I had stayed at Jujutsu Tech. I was still coming to terms with being here since I was rather clueless as to what really happened that day. When I was brought to the school, I was immediately taken into hiding. Because I didn't know how to keep a cap on my power. I didn't know how I was able to use it, or what the extent of my power was. And I trained every day for several years trying to grasp my power. I had Gojo-sensei to help me learn, yet I still felt something was missing.

"Can I please see the other first years now?" I groan.

"Not yet. Once all three are here then yes. At the moment, there's only 2 students here. Plus you." Sensei told me.

"When is this third student coming then?" I ask in annoyance.

"I'm going with the other first years to meet her today." Sensei replied.

"Her? So I won't be the only girl anymore?" I ask.

"No. Well, I have to go now. Ja ne!" Gojo-Sensei says, leaving me on my own.

I sigh audibly before tapping my foot on the wooden flooring of my dorm room, trying to think of something to do to pass the time. Since I was so bored, I decided to just head over to the training grounds. I wouldn't be able to spar anyone so I guess I could work on my other techniques instead. I had an arsenal of techniques under my belt that I could work on, so I opted on working out how long I could use the different techniques for.

I learned that most of my cursed techniques revolve around fire, which sometimes results in me getting injured because of the backlash of my flames. Before, I couldn't control them... now, I was slowly getting a grasp on how to use them, even if it did take me years just to figure out what I could do.

Once I reached the training grounds, I closed my eyes, taking in a slow deep breath. The main technique that I had been working on was a technique where I laced my katana in my cursed energy, in turn, setting the katana on fire. It didn't burn it, but more encased it in my flames making it easier for me to kill any curses I'd come across on missions. I had been on a few so far which resulted in my rank slowly increasing as the years went on. I was at the rank where I could take on missions by myself, even if I didn't want to.

I practiced my new technique which was the one where I encase my katana in fire to easily stop any curses I came across. I drew in another deep breath, focusing on my cursed energy. Gojo-Sensei always said that cursed energy comes from emotions. Mainly anger. I focused on an occasion that made me angry and focused my cursed energy on my katana. I opened my eyes and saw a small flame encasing the katana.

"Fuck." I curse aloud.

It wasn't enough. I hadn't focused enough cursed energy onto my katana. The flames weren't strong enough. They needed to be stronger. I sighed in annoyance before closing my eyes and trying again. And again. And again until I nailed it. But I wasn't getting anywhere. It was the same result every single time I tried. No matter how hard I focused, I couldn't perfect it. So I was pissed to say the least.

I think I went on for a few hours before I sensed someone walking up behind me. I kept my eyes closed, pointing my katana in the direction where I sensed a large amount of cursed energy. I kept my eyes closed because it was a technique I had learned from Gojo-Sensei. Where I practice fighting with my eyes closed to allow me to get used to fighting in any environment. Since you can't always fight in environments you would casually be used to. Like in the daylight or under the ambiance of a streetlamp.

"Woah lower the sword. Sensei sent me here." I heard a voice say.

I open my eyes and see a boy with pink hair wearing the uniform of the school stood in front of me. Is this the student who was already here?

Innocent Eyes - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now