Chapter 14

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Your POV:
"1 minute until the event starts! Now let's hear some words of encouragement from Utahime-Sensei!" Gojo-Sensei beamed through the speaker phone.

"Hah?! Erm... it can't be helped if some of you get hurt... but, you know... help each other out..." Utahime-Sensei said.

"Time's up! Let the sister school tournament..." Gojo-Sensei paused.

"Start!" Gojo-Sensei finished.

"Where's the boss curse?" Yuji asked as we all start running.

"They released it in the middle between both schools." I reply.

"It's not like it's gonna stay there." Panda added on.

"Wait for the signal to split between Panda's team and Fushiguro's team to search for the enemy." Maki said.

"We're counting on ya!" I beam.

"Roger!" Yuji said, saluting.

Megumi summoned his demon dogs to run ahead of us. Before long, a curse appeared that looked like a spider.

"Small fry." Panda said.

Maki and I prepared to fight the curse before Megumi shouted.

"Senpai, Y/N, stop!" Megumi said.

Todo just appeared out of nowhere, taking out the curse.

"Nice! Everyone's here. All of you, come at me at once!" Todo exclaimed.

The moment Todo said that, Yuji charged at him, kneeing him in the face.

"Disperse!" Maki shouted.

Panda's team went off which consisted of Panda, Inumaki and Nobara. While me, Megumi and Maki ran off in another direction.

"Todo was alone." Megumi commented.

"It really was a good idea leaving him to Yuji." Maki said.

"I could've taken him on." I pouted.

"You might've but they're targeting you and Yuji. If the two of you were together it'd make their job ten times easier." Maki explained.

"You think I'd go down that easily?" I ask.

"Hell no! I heard you took on a Special Grade by yourself. And came out with just broken ribs." Maki commented.

"Alright good point." I sigh.

We kept on running before I noticed a presence above the three of us.

"Megumi. Maki." I say, gaining their attention.

"I noticed it as well." Maki said.

"Drop her." Megumi said.

Wait when did he summon his Shikigami?!

Once I stopped looking above me, I noticed Megumi was in a fight with Kamo and Maki was in a fight with Miwa. Great, what do I do? Screw it, I'll help Megumi.

"Kamo-san. Are you guys trying to kill Itadori and Y/N?" Megumi asks with a stern expression.

It was obvious they wanted me gone because of my elders. But Itadori? Is it because of the curse inside of him? The King of Curses? Even if it were, doesn't mean you have to go and kill people. They didn't kill Yuta Okkotsu so why Itadori? Well I mean the King of Curses says it all but still. He hasn't tried to kill any of us. And he's still in control of Sukuna. Somehow.

Once the fighting subsided a little, me, Megumi and Maki were deep in conversation.

"It's strange." Megumi starts.

"They're moving in a cluster. Surely it'd make more sense to split up." I comment.

"Could the target be there?" Maki asks.

"Can't be. Unless this second class is super cunning, my jade wolves would've noticed. Those guys. Aren't they trying to kill Itadori and Y/N?" Megumi thinks aloud.

"I can confirm they are indeed after me. My family elders want me gone because I pose a threat to them. Because I want to disregard my family traditions entirely." I comment.

"I mean, it's possible." Maki adds on.

"Let's go back, Megumi. Y/N." Maki says.

"...Sorry." Megumi says.

"What are you apologising for you moron. There won't be any winning or losing if a friend dies at the exchange." Maki comments.

We headed back into the fray and I summoned my phoenix to provide support from the air while I fought Kamo with Megumi.

"Kamo-san. Are you guys trying to kill Itadori and Y/N?" Megumi asks.

"What if I said you're right?" Kamo counters.

Tsk. Guys like him annoy me.

"Then you failed." I comment.

"No way he would've died by now." Megumi adds on.

"We have no reason to kill them both." Kamo counters.

"Sure you do. Or, at least your superiors and the Gosan clan do." Megumi says.

I just zoned out and started thinking back to the diagram Gojo-Sensei also provided to me. I was the highest grade in this tournament but the one to look out for was Todo. I knew everyone's rank minus Yuji but I was sure it was high.

If I remembered correctly, Todo was a first class. Inumaki and Kamo were Quasi-first grades. Panda and Megumi were Quasi-second class stroke second class. Meaning Kamo and Megumi's match-up put Kamo at an advantage. But Kamo at a disadvantage against me. I'm not sure what Nishimiya, Mekamaru or Miwa's ranks are. Nobara and Mai were both third class and Maki was fourth class. I could be wrong though.

Though I know Maki can't progress any higher because of her clan. She doesn't have any cursed energy but she's skilled as hell in cursed weapons. It's a shame she can't progress any higher. My clan didn't get involved in my rise through the ranks because they didn't even know I was a sorcerer in the first place. Eventually they found out. News travels. Especially when you are only one of five Special Grade sorcerers. One being your own teacher.

If it were up to me, I'd insist over and over that Maki's rank be raised. She deserves it. She's crazy strong which was why I wasn't backing her up. Because she didn't need help against Miwa. It was obvious Miwa wasn't one to want to kill sorcerers. But she seemed scared.

Heya! Shorter chapter only because I didn't want to split the next bit up. Look at me with a double update in one day! That's a first for me. Miss me? Well, I'm gonna go and write the next chapter. See ya!

Innocent Eyes - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang