Chapter 12

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Your POV:
Shortly after Megumi left I got a phone call from Sensei.

Sensei? You rarely call me.
True. Your family reached out to me.
Did they now? What do they want?
They want you and Rika to duel. Tonight.
Tonight? Why?
They want to gauge the differences between the two of you to strategize for tomorrow.
What's the betting no cursed energy at all?
Correct! Meet outside the front of the school in 5!
Sensei. How can you be so energetic?
No clue.
Alright. I'll be down soon.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? I never expected my family to organise this. I sighed, getting up from the warmth of my bed and slipping on some work out clothes. I didn't want to do this at all but what choice did I have? I took a headache tablet anyway and left my dorm quietly.

I headed down to the main entrance to see Gojo-Sensei already there, leaning against one of the brick pillars at the front of the school. Once he saw me walking towards him he started waving at me.

"You ready?" He asks.

"No." I reply.

"You'll do fine." He reassures.

"I don't understand why they're doing this." I comment as we started walking.

"Because they want to know if Rika alone can take you on. Or if all of Kyoto are needed." He explains.

"Easily all of Kyoto." I comment.

"But you fought Todo earlier, correct?" He asks.

"Nope! Not talking about that since you lied to me!" I say, puffing out my cheeks and ignoring him.

"You wound me, Y/N." He says.

"Don't care." I huff.

We soon made it to an open area where Rika was already. And the two family heads. Rika looked different from the last time I saw her. Her hair was longer and there was a visible pink streak running through it. She'd gotten taller too.

"Rika! Long time no see!" I beam.

"You don't get to act all chummy with me." She seriously says.

"Ouch. That hurt." I sarcastically say.

"What are the rules?" Sensei asks.

"No cursed energy and you must use these wooden swords. First to disarm their opponent wins." One house head explained.

"Boring." I sigh.

"Is this a joke to you?" The house head says.

"Yeah. It is." I reply.

She just scoffs and passes me a sword and passes one to Rika. If I'm correct, I need to watch out for the elders not Rika. Once of them has a puppet technique. So this could be an entirely unfair battle. Before the battle could even begin I closed my eyes. Sensing the activation of any cursed energy. Lo and behold I was correct. Rika was being controlled by the elder.

The elder declared the fight to start and I just stood there. Not even blocking. I could tell everyone's eyes were boring into me. because I didn't block. But Sensei smirked when he understood why. I was purposefully throwing the fight since it wasn't fair. Except Rika or the elder controlling Rika went straight for my wrist to disarm the sword from me.

On instinct, I blocked. Stopping her from disarming me. Except she did that on purpose. Her right leg went straight for the back of my left, kicking it forward with some force. It caused me to drop to my knees before I sighed, fed up with the fight. I tricked her into thinking I was going for a low blow and managed to knock the sword from her hands. Ultimately winning the battle.

Innocent Eyes - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now