Chapter 15

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Your POV:
Me, Megumi and Kamo had moved our fight inside. Annoyingly. It meant I had to dull down my attacks because I'd set the building on fire otherwise. This was infuriatingly annoying. At least I could teleport. Both me and Megumi were blocking Kamo's attacks with our own weapons as he fired arrows at the pair of us.

A smirk grew on my face as I teleported behind Kamo and kicked him forward before teleporting in front of him to do the same thing. I struck again before jumping back to beside Megumi.

"Don't wear down your stamina and cursed energy by constantly teleporting." Megumi said.

"I'm not concerned about my cursed energy. Just my stamina. And I'm fine. I've been doing private training by myself to increase it. This is just a mere walk in the park for me. I'll be fine for now." I reply.

Okay, that was half a lie. My stamina was fine same for my cursed energy. The only thing I was worried about was my knee. And if Rika had told the other Kyoto students about our duel the other night.

"You both can summon one more Shikigami at the same time, correct? I don't appreciate you holding back." Kamo said.

How did he know I could summon Shikigami?!

How do you know I can summon two Shikigami at once?" I ask.

"Rika told me you could summon a fox Shikigami and I saw your phoenix earlier. Something Rika can't even summon." Kamo explained.

"You're down to your last arrow, right?" Megumi asked.

"We're not gonna help you if you collapse from anaemia." I say.

"Don't worry. I prepared in advance." Kamo "reassures".

The fight continued on with all three of us exchanging ranged attacks. Before Kamo decided to go for a close attack, hitting Megumi though he blocked it.

"Nice reflexes." Kamo comments.

Megumi blocked another attack before being struck into the wall. I took it as my opportunity to teleport behind Kamo and strike a blow, making him focus on me so Megumi could regain his composure.

"Doping?!" Megumi said.

I noticed it too. He seemed a bit stronger then he should be. I can sense it on him as well.

"Very good but I don't appreciate the negative connotation." Kamo confirms.

The fight still continued with me and Megumi switching out to exchange blows to preserve each other's stamina. This way, we'd be landing more blows without the issue of growing tired quicker.

"Two Shikigami users that can also fight close quarters is valuable you know." Kamo said.

"Fushiguro you've grown. I'm happy for you." Kamo added though I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"What's with the camaraderie?" Megumi asks.

"It's sympathy. You both are people who'll eventually support the four head clans. I intend to kill Itadori and Y/N." Kamo said.

"Are they orders from Director Gakuganji?" Megumi asks.

"No. It's my own personal judgement. Because I believe it is the correct decision as someone from the four head clans. You must also understand this, you two and I are one in the same." Kamo said.

"No we're not." Me and Megumi say in unison.

"Yes we are." Kamo counters.

"We're really not." Me and Megumi say in unison again.

"Please have these sort of conversations with Maki-san. I no longer have any ties to the Zen'in clan. Besides, I don't really think I'm "right". No, sorry that isn't it. I don't care about whether I'm right or wrong anymore." Megumi pauses.

"If you want to talk about clans and stuff you should be talking to Rika not me. Besides, like Megumi said, I don't have any ties to the L/N clan." I add on.

This conversation was going nowhere. Kamo hadn't even noticed that both me and Megumi summoned two Shikigami's behind him. Me, my fox, and Megumi his frog. Except Megumi's was close to running out. It was bait. Mine wasn't but Kamo didn't know that.

"This one consumes a lot of cursed energy so I only use it's basic form. I only purified it recently." Megumi explained.

"Banshou." Megumi said, summoning his elephant.

Summoning the elephant was clever because it meant he couldn't use his blood. The water would dissolve it making it basically useless. I didn't have a water Shikigami, only fire so I didn't bother summoning anything. But smirked when I thought of something. It took up more of my cursed energy to do this but Kamo wouldn't know what was coming.

The elephant sprayed water all along the corridor giving me the right amount of time to form my distraction. I was going to make a domain for 0.1 seconds. Enough time to freeze the water on the floor. Without affecting me, Megumi or Kamo. It just guaranteed that Kamo wouldn't be able to use his blood at all.

"Megumi. Retreat a little. Don't ask questions and just trust me." I say.

"Okay?" He says, confused.

"Domain Expansion: Ice Prison." I mumble.

My domain expanded for the time I wanted it to and when it disappeared, the water on the floor was now ice. My plan worked. But it took a lot more cursed energy then I thought it would. I made it seem as if I was okay. Even if I wasn't.

"What just happened?" Megumi asks me.

"I made a domain for 0.1 seconds. Enough time to freeze the water from your elephant but not enough time for you or Kamo to be affected by the sudden drop in temperature." I explain.

"Since when could you make domains?" He asks me.

"This isn't the domain I normally use. But it made sense to use it in the moment. I wasn't expecting it to work since it takes more concentration and energy to open a domain for that short a time." I explain.

"So you were being reckless." Megumi says.

"Reckless or not I just guaranteed that Kamo can't use his blood art thingy." I comment.

"See? And it was enough force to push Kamo outside." I pointed out when the fog cleared.

Me and Megumi shared a glance before thinking the same thing.



Me and Megumi say in unison, summoning our own Shikigami to slam Kamo into the ground. But he blocked with a blood pack just beforehand. Megumi's Nue was caught in the attack but my phoenix went over to it's side and helped free it while me and Megumi charged at Kamo.

"I can't afford to lose!" Kamo declares.

As the three of us were charging at each other, we stopped in place when a mountain of roots began sprouting from the buildings.

"Wha-" Me, Kamo and Megumi say in unison.

"What the hell is going on?!" I exclaim.

Why's there a high grade curse here?

"Inumaki?!" Megumi exclaims when he sees Inumaki on the rooftop.

"Run away." Inumaki said, causing the three of us to run.

What the hell is going on right now?

Heh. I left it on a cliffhanger. Look at me with three updates in one day. Will it increase? I don't know. But what I do know is that I'm aware I'm changing the plot slightly but I have my reasons for doing so. Also, I'm aware there are only three head clans in JJK but I added my own twist by making the reader's, yours, family lineage a head clan as well. Anyway, see ya next chapter people. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

Can someone please explain what voting does to me either in the form of a comment or a private message. I've been on Wattpad almost a year and I still don't know.

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