Chapter 2

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Your POV:
Since I didn't need to stick around any longer, I left the four at the entrance of the school. Heading back to the training grounds. I was determined to nail my new technique. And I didn't care how long it took to do so. I'd like a sparring partner but I don't have one. Sensei stopped sparring with me a while ago and said I need someone who can match my fighting style. Based on appearance alone, I'd assume that'd be either Itadori or Fushiguro. But I don't like asking people for favours. I've never truly been keen on it.

I sensed someone approaching me from behind, which I hated. I turned around to see the ravenette from this morning approaching me. I sighed, placing my katana on the floor before fully facing him.

"Training again?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm trying to perfect a new technique." I replied.

"What technique?" He asks me.

"The one I explained earlier on." I reply.

"What part are you having trouble with?" He asks.

"How is that-" I say, getting cut off.

"Please just answer." He says.

"Trying to manipulate my cursed energy to encase my katana." I explain.

"I'm struggling with focusing on my anger." I mumble.

"You wanted to spar, didn't you?" He asks.

"How did you-" I say, getting cut off again.

"It's obvious. Why else would you be training right now?" He remarks.

I part my lips slightly before sighing. He was right. I was looking for a sparring partner. Since Gojo-Sensei stopped sparring against me, I haven't had a sparring match in a while.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you." I say, still stoic.

"I didn't expect you to." He replies with the same stoic expression I had on.

"Are we using wooden swords to spar?" I ask.

He nods in agreement so I walk near where I left my bag and grabbed the two wooden swords I had grabbed earlier on. I chucked one to Fushiguro before taking the other and holding it in my normal fighting stance. He got ready in his own before charging towards me with the sword. My expression not changing, I hold my sword out to block. He's quick. And strong.

We continued sparring, neither one of us letting up. We were evenly matched but I could tell his stamina was wearing down, same as mine. When he least expected it, I managed to knock him off his feet, holding my sword in front of him, aimed right at his neck but a few centimetres away from it.

"You spar better then Sensei." He says between breaths.

"I do?" I ask.

"Mhm. I felt evenly matched against you." He says, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

Is now a bad time to tell him I actually held back? I could've won with one swing. But I felt like letting it continue to see how he reacted. How he acted with a sword. It turns out, he was quite skilled. Almost as if we had the same teacher. Gojo-Sensei. I sensed another's presence behind me, causing me to look in the direction of the person getting closer. Which just so happened to be Sensei.

"So this is where you two went. I've been looking for the two of you. We have a mission tomorrow. Y/N included." Sensei says.

"What rank mission?" I ask.

"As of now, I don't know." He says.

"No, you do know. There aren't any Special Grade 1 or Special Grade sorcerers around so we have to do it, is that correct?" I ask with my normal expression.

Innocent Eyes - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα