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I opened the door, flipping the lock on and slamming the door shut as I sprinted full speed toward the stairs.

"YN-" Gun stepped out of the living room and straight into my way.

There was no time to stop so I crashed into him, sending us both flying.

No! No no no no! If Gun falls on the bottom, he'll get hurt and I'll never forgive myself!

I wrapped my arms around him and flipped us both.


"YN are you okay?!"


"Are you hurt? Did you break anything?!"


"Is everything okay?!" Crystal rushed out of the living room.

"What happened?" DG stepped out from behind her.

"What was that? YN?!" Goo hurried down stairs and pushed Gun away. He sat me up and grabbed my face, searching me for any injuries. "What happened?! Did Gun tackle you?!"

"No, I was running towards the stairs to show you my hair and I slammed the door. I guess I scared Gun cause he stepped out and I crashed into him. It's my fault." I rubbed the back of my head and felt a warm liquid.

Damn it, must be yesterday's cut.

Not wanting to alarm anyone, I slid my hand under my hoodie and wiped the blood on the waist of my shorts.

"I'm going upstairs now." I chirpped and jumped to my feet.

"I think we should go to the doctors." Goo frowned. "You hit you're head pretty badly...I heard the crash from all the way in my room."

"I'm fine, it didn't even hurt." I smiled and hid the pain.

"Are you sure? We can call a doctor to come here." Gun patted his pants, probably looking for his phone.

"You two are making a big deal out of nothing! I'm fine."

First I mess up his house, than I run out, now I almost killed him.

"Gun! Are you okay? You fell pretty hard, you're not hurt or anything, are you?" Crystal asked crouching next to him.

Wait, why didn't I ask him that?!

"No, I'm fine." Gun nodded.

No wonder he picks Crystal over me! She doesn't ruin his life every second that she's around him!

I would pick her over me any day!

I should avoid Gun at all the moments I can... it'll hurt less if we're not close anymore.

"Bye!" I chirped and ran upstairs, entered my room and slammed the door closed.

I flopped on my bed and screamed, angry tears wetting the sheets.

I felt the bed bounce and a wet little nose poked my face.

San whined, pawing my arm and poking my face with his nose until I hugged him.

"Were you in here the whole time buddy?" I asked and he licked my tears away.

He whined and looked at me as if asking what was wrong.

"You know I like Gun, right?"

He blinked.

"Well, he likes Crystal. They're a thing."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? The way they talk and interact, it's obvious."

Sancus huffed.

"I hate Crystal. I hate her because her father hurt my family all for her. She's to blame for everything. I wouldn't have been sold to that prostitution ring or assassin group if it wasn't for him. Charles Choi and his fear of losing everything he made. Dumbass just helped me become his downfall. We'll get our revenge, Sancus. On both of them. We'll make them pay for ruining all of our lives. For what he did, for what Goo is aware of and what he's not. All of it."

Sancus wagged his tail and Mew licked her nose.

"We're going to lose Goo and Gun, I need you guys to know that. We won't ever see them after we take their boss down, but that's okay. In this need to put other people's needs over your wants. Blood family doesn't come first for assassins, the mission does. As part of New Group, you two need to know that."

Mew and San glanced at each other and then at me as if they understood.

Lookism Gun x Reader: How The Mighty Fall In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now