Mad Goo

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By the time I came to, the G boys had already left.

"Are you okay?" DG asked and I nodded, trying to grab my pizza slice.

It was gone.

"Hey, who ate my slice?!" I gasped.

"You did. You ate the entire box." Crystal said and yelped when Sancus snatched her slice out of her hand.

He trotted off with Mew in toe.

"Hey, you know you're not allowed to steal food! Only take what's given!" I called after them but they were to busy trying to split the slice. "And what do you mean I ate the entire box?"

"Well, we tried talking to you but you just kept eating. I offered you another slice but you took the box and ate all the pizza." DG said taking a sip from his water.

"Damn... I really am a fat ass." I whispered.

"No you're not." DG stood up and began to pick up the plates. Crystal helped him and I decided I needed to make myself useful.

"I'm going to take out the trash. Are you guys doing dishes?" I asked picking up the cardboard and trash can. 

"Yeah, we'll take care of everything here."

I nodded and went out, tossed the stuff out and sighed.

How with they react to the dead bodies? Will they even go in if the door isn't opened?

Of course they will, it's Gun and Goo.

There's no use in worrying, what will happen will happen. Should I have hidden the bodies instead of leaving them there?

Will they call the police?

They don't like cops though.

A whole investigation will be done and they'll be dragged in if they call. If they are interviewed, their past may come back up and they'll because prime suspects which will not be good for their business.

They won't call the cops.

I'm pretty good at my job, besides, what are they going to track? There's no DNA because I was wearing my suit, I turned all the cameras off and again, I was wearing my suit. No one can identify me like that. The car won't turn anything up. If they find anything, it'll be useless.

I sighed and watched the horizon. The sun was starting to go down.

It was really pretty.

I sighed and glanced at my phone.

6:12 pm

I used to watch the sunset with Goo all the time. 

No point thinking about that now. It won't do any good.

I really need to stop thinking about the past. It doesn't help, it won't help.

I won't be around soon enough.

Bright lights brought me out of my thoughts. I covered my face and squinted until the beams were off.

"Oh, hey." I rubbed my eyes as Goo and Gun stepped out of the car.

"What are you doing out here?" Goo asked taking his coat off and slipping it over my shoulders.

"I was watching the stars. They're pretty, don't you think?" I pointed up at the sparkling balls of fire above us.

"Yeah, they are, let's get inside."

He didn't even look up.

"Did you know that all those stars actually died long ago and don't exist anymore? We see them cause they are light-years away so it hasn't caught up with us yet. We can't actually see all the new and present stars. The sky may look completely different!"

"YN, inside now, please." Goo sighed and looked annoyed.

"What's wrong, why are you upset?" I asked.

"YN, please just get inside already, I'm not in the mood." Goo grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." I winced as I was forced to follow him. "I'm not done looking at the stars yet!"

"Go up to your room. You can see them from there." Goo pushed me towards the stairs and walked into the living room.

I looked back and Gun was staring at me. I looked away and made my way up the stairs, entering my room.

I don't regret it, it had to be done.

To bad it upset Goo so much.

Does Gun suspect me?

Nah, he has no reason to.

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