Hands off

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(It feels so weird to actually publish this chapter. I started this on November 13 which feels like ages ago. To give you a mental picture, that's the day I published 'Jordan' which is the 16th episode/chapter. This is the 39th chap! Like damn, that feels like a LONG time ago!)

I limped over to the the table and sat in my spot which was now in between Neer and Sofia.

"Those two totally have a thing for each other, don't they?" Sofia asked.

"Yeah but we leave them to figure it out themselves." I whispered back and she nodded. I talked to both of the new girls and kept making faces at Jay and Daniel when they would look over.

Finally, it was time to go home. I went down the stairs carefully and went down the block after saying goodbye to my friends.

"YN! Hold up!" Sofia, who had not stopped talking since before class stopped, and I turned around to see who was calling me.

"YN, I'm so sorry to bother you, but can I please have a ride home? It's to far to walk but not to far to drive, please, I'm sorry! I forgot my buss money." Neer panted when she stopped in front of us.

"O-oh sure, yeah, I'm sure he'll be okay with it...." I smiled holding my nervousness back.

"Thank you!" She smiled and we walked to the car.

"Just don't tell anyone I know this guy, alright?" I asked and they both nodded. I opened the passenger seat door and poked my head in.

"Hey Gunny, sorry but my other friend needs a ride too and I felt bad so I kinda already said yeah..." I whisper and he rolled his eyes before unlocking the back doors. Sofia put her and my bag in the trunk but Neer insisted on keeping her's with her.

Gun put the address into the car's GPS before driving to her house. The car ride was... uncomfortable to say the least.

Sofia would not stop fucking flirting with Gun which pissed me off, but I ignored it. Neer looked uncomfortable with Sofia who kept leaning forward and cutting her off the few times she actually spoke.

"Sofia! Calm your ass down already!"

"Oohh! Someone's jelly!" She poked my cheek and I slapped her hand away. "So when's the wedding? Am I invited? Of course I'm invited, I'm your brides maid! And I'll be singing, 'I told you!'"

"Don't make me kick you out of my house before you even move in." I threatened and Neer giggled.

"Anyways, how was your first day here-"

"Oh it was great! I-"

"Shut up Sofia, I think you've talked enough today."

"Rude! Don't get mad because I can steal your man!"

"Honey, my 'man' is in prison so shut the fuck up. Anyways, Neer?"

"Ah, it was nice! Thank you so much for welcoming me so graciously into you're friend group!"

"Aw, of course! You're so sweet! Everyone loves you! Don't mind Logan though. He's a pain in the ass."

"I noticed. He looks like a woman beater."

"He is. I hate that guy with everything in me. Anyways, what brought you to J High?"

"I recently got in a fight with my parents so I came here. It was one of the cheapest places so yeah." Neer shrugged.

"I'm sorry." I frowned sadly. "If you ever need anything, just call Gun or I. We'll be happy to help." I smiled. Gun turned to look at me in protest. I smiled and put my pointer finger on his jawline and gently pushed him to face the road again.

"Oh, did you not shave today?" I asked brushing the back of my hand on his cheek.

"I used a different razer today, did it not work?"

"You're a bit scratchy this time."

"You don't like it?"

"It's a good way to keep me from rubbing my face on you again." I shrugged and turned back to Neer.

"I think you'll like it here, most people are super friendly." I smiled and she smiled back. I gave her my number as Gun pulled up to a small, shabby house that looked a lot like the house I had when I first came here.

"Ah, YN, do you know any places I can volunteer at?"

"Oh yeah! Gunny and I are going to volunteer at a pet shelter! Wanna come along?" I chirpped and Gun looked at me.

"Oh, YN, I don't think he wants anyone else at your guy's date." Sofia giggled.

"It's not a date, he's only coming because I need an 18 year old to be there with me. He has no life so he's coming along. Wanna come with us?"

"O-oh okay. Sure, sounds good!" Neer smiled before getting out of the car and closing the door. She waved and Gun drove away. I gasped and looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You were supposed to wait till you made sure she made it in safely!"

"She'll be fine."

"I swear to God Gun, if you're thinking of running that red light...."

He rolled his eyes but slowed down until he stopped.

"We're the only ones here. There's no other car. Now we're wasting time just sitting here."

"But you didn't know that! There might have been someone else speeding over."

"Wow, just get married already."

"Hush." I told Sofia who laughed.

We made it to the house and she whistled.

"Damn, alright alright, I see you. Aren't you like, a broke bitch? Ah, your sugar daddy, of course! Silly me!"

"I'm going to end you." I said as Gun carried my backpack. He opened the door and we stepped in.

"Goo's here? I saw his car."

"Yeah, he was taking a nap when I left."

"AWWWwwwWW, YN, did you miss me?" Goo asked walking over shirtless and arms open for a hug.

"Fuck off." I said putting one of my crutches on his chest to keep him away.

"Oh hello there! Aren't you just the prettiest thing?" Goo asked lowering his glasses.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at Sofia.

"Hell yeah I am. You...hm, not to bad, not to bad." She smirked and Goo grinned.

"She's big in all the right places? You model? You sure look like one? Wanna have a photoshoot in my room? I specialize in nudes." He winked.

"I-" I backed up and crashed into Gun who pat my head comfortingly.

"I've had to put up with with him talking like this for six years." Gun shrugged when I looked up at him in disbelief.

"Hey! You talk like this too! Maybe even worse!" Goo huffed.

I looked up at Gun again with narrowed eyes.

"Nasty ass."

Sofia grinned and giggled.

"How about you and I go up to my room? Walls are sound proof." He winked and I wacked him.

"Come on playboy, I'm not that easy... maybe after I learn your name and favorite color?"

"Nope." I said and pushed Sofia to the elevator.

"Goo, stay the hell away from her. Sofia, stay away from him." I snapped and they laughed.

Lookism Gun x Reader: How The Mighty Fall In LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ