100k Reads

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( LookismChoi pointed out that I was almost at 100k reads and suggested that I write a special chapter. So thank you to her and all of you here reading this! I never thought I'd get this far so it means the world to me that you'd stick around this long. Enjoy!)

I shivered.

It's so cold.

I can't see out of my right eye.

Momma hit me with a pan two days ago, swelling my eye shut.


Ah, this is the place.

I reached for the door but it was swung open.

A boy a little older than me stepped out and pushed past me.

He had well kept black hair and dark sunglasses.

He wore expensive looking clothes. Mommy has clothes with those signs.

He didn't even acknowledge me, he just walked on by.


I walked into the big building and looked around.


A police man was looking down at me and I shifted uncomfortably.

Goo always said to not trust cops...but I need his help.


"I'm sorry?"


"You're here to see you're brother?"

I nodded.

"Okay, follow me."

I kept my eye on the floor, being careful not to step on any cracks.

"Do you think you can tell me what happened to your face?"

I shook my head.

The officer nodded. After a few more questions, he gave up and asked who my brother is.

"Goo..." I fiddled with my ripped shirt sleeve.

"Goo Joon Kim?"

I nodded and he looked me up and down.

"Did he ever hit you?"

"No! I want to see Goo Bear! That's all!"

"Alright, alright. One second."

After a few minutes, I was led into a room.

"Goo Bear!" I rushed over and pressed my hands against the glass.

"Hey Kitty, what are you doing here?"

"I missed you!"

"YN, what happened to your eye?"

I shrugged and he glared.

"Stand away from the glass."

We ignored the person over the intercom.

"YN, I want to tell you something." Goo came closer.


"Do you remember that movie Chucky?"

"The doll?"

He came closer.

"Do you remember what he did to those people with the kitchen stuff?"

"Ew, yeah."

"Next time they try to hurt you, do that to them."

I could barely hear him and for a second, I didn't think I did.

The lady kept repeating for us to get away from the barrier but we were busy.

"Are you crazy? People get sent away for that!"

"YN, you can't keep letting them do this. Tonight when they go to sleep, do it."

"Alright you two, we warned you."

Someone grabbed me and began to pull me away.


"You'll be okay, Kitty! I believe in you! You'll be okay!"

"What did he tell you?"

I looked up at the officer after looking at the empty hallway.

"To stand up for myself."

I walked away and began to wonder if Goo was right.

Could I do it?

Okay, so I could do it, but why was it so messy?!

Yeah, I can't stay here.

I ran as fast as possible down the street.

What the fuck?!

I shouldn't have listened to him, why did I listen to him?!

I could be pit on death row, get life behind bars! Nothing less than five years!

Agh, trust Goo Bear, trust him!

There's not much else to do now!


I stumbled to a halt and turned to look at where the noise was coming from.


Damn it.

I snuck over and peeked.

I wanted to throw up when I saw all the bodies, covered in blood and parts of them were twisted in unnatural ways.

"You're the fat bitch from the reformatory."

I jumped and spun around.

The good looking boy stood behind me, a cigarette in between his lips.

"I-I- I was just-"

"Shut up."

I fell on my ass and looked at him in terror.

"Don't you know how to mind your own business?"

"I'm sorry-"

"Did I tell you to talk?"

I went silent.

He knelt down in front of me and lifted his glasses.

It was dark, but i could see his weird eyes.

It scared me.

"Hm... you're covered in blood."

I shivered.

"Answer me. Is that blood?"



"My- my mom's and grandma's..."

"Were they attacked?"


"By who?"

I wanted to throw up.

I wanted to throw up, crawl into a hole and die.

"Did you kill them?"


"Hm...did they do that to your face?"


"Hmm, self defense. But you're to much of a cowered. How'd you gain the courage? Who told you to do it?"

"Goo...my brother."

"Goo Joon Kim?"



I was suddenly pulled up and he dragged me along.


"You're coming with me. You're interesting. I think I can make a monster out of you. Goo will join us later."

I was shocked.

But he said Goo will join us, so maybe it'll be okay.

Lookism Gun x Reader: How The Mighty Fall In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now