Important Question

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I stared in shock.

Are we a couple?

I'm not sure.

Is it a given or do we have to say something?

Would he even want to date me!?

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Jordan's just asking me why I haven't been answering him."

"Oh," He grinned. "did you tell him you're with me?"

"I'm always with you, don't try to flex."

He laughed and rubbed my thigh with his thumb.

"Just being next to you is a flex."

I snorted and shook my head.



"Are you expecting someone?"



"Wait, what?"

"I ordered same-day delivery from Victoria's Secret. I'll toss them into the washer for you." He pushed himself off and walked out the door, leaving me in shock on the bed.


I giggled and hugged myself.

Part of me wants to say I love him, probably because I'm still on a bit of a high from our God knows how long fun time and the other half is telling me to run and don't look back because love will get me killed.

And I can't love someone I'm not dating!

I pulled the soft sheets over my body and took in his scent.

I don't know what to do.

What if we don't work out? What if he's only doing this for Charles?

He said he loves me...but I can also say mint ice cream tastes good, but that doesn't make it true.

I feel so stupid! I said I love him too, and he did all this not caring about me?!


I quickly texted Jordan and told him the situation but his response surprised me.

I paced nervously, biting my nail as I typed with my other hand.

Instead of telling me to jump out a window and that he'd be waiting on the street, he told me I'm overreacting and overthinking again.


I asked him if this was for a mission and he told me that this had nothing to do with anyone but Gun and I.

Is he serious?

"Okay YN, calm down, you're fine. So you had sex with Gun, big deal, right? What's he going to do, tell his boss?"

"Why would I tell him we had sex?"

I screamed and dropped my phone.

"Oh hey, Gun, didn't see you there."

"What does the Chairman have to do with us?"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

Jordan said it was fine and that Gun isn't spying on me...but I need to ask anyways!

"How much have you told him about me already?" I asked and poked a finger against his chest.

"Wow, you really are paranoid."

I gritted my teeth.

"I know he fucking hired you to watch me and report back to him, that's why you slept with me, to try and get more information and then you'll get a raise and I'll just have a broken heart, but that won't work Gun! It won't fucking work on me! What did you tell that man?!"

He frowned at me.

"I slept with you because I like you, not for the Chairman. And believe it or not YN, he's a very busy guy who has no time to think of you. I don't know why you think and are so convinced he's out to get you, but I doubt he even knows who you are."


My face burned with embarrassment and I gritted my teeth even harder. I couldn't argue and insist, it would be suspicious.

And I might just end up telling him what he did.

And believe me, taking my brother is nowhere near the worst thing he's done to me.

Lookism Gun x Reader: How The Mighty Fall In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now