[11] Cuddles? and Conference?

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"AARGHH!" I unconsciously rolled over my arm since I was sleeping on the left side of the bed causing for me to yell. Lia immediately stood up and went over me and right now I was holding my left arm groaning.

"Are you alright?!" Lia said while holding my left arm.

"I-it's just... I'm dumb... hehe. I accidentally rolled over it." I replied, she chuckled back while still looking concern.

"Do you want to switch sides?" She said while softly massaging my arm. Her hand was so soft and comforting.

"It's alright. I just like sleeping sideways and unfortunately I forgot my arm was injured." I tried reasoning out. Lia suddenly stood straight up letting go of my arm.

She suddenly walked to the other side and grab a pillow before going back to my side and signaling me to move. I didn't have any other choice but to comply with her.

I moved over and face the other side laying on my right arm. I hear rustling behind me then suddenly I felt Lia's back touch my back. 

"L-lia?" I whispered. I then felt her hand touched my left arm lifting it softly and placing it on her hip.

"Place it here, so the pressure will be lessen." She replied. All I can do is smile on myself.

"Actually... Can we switch sides again?" She whispered and we immediately did but right now we are facing each other.

The tension in the air was building up as we both stared at each other but realizing the situation we are in. We're trying our best to avert our eyes from each other but every other second our eyes eventually meets. I surrendered and sigh and just stared at her. The night light from outside the window illuminates her facial features and like other occasions the time stops and allowed me to admire her beauty even without any make up on. The moment that feels like an eternity in reality is just a second, I suddenly realized that Lia is also staring at me.

With our eyes lock at each others the air in the room felt different. All of the anxieties I'm having suddenly disappeared and what matter for me at that moment is the girl laying... laying beside me.


At this moment, in the middle of the night with jus the two of us. Laying along side each other. Face to face and our eyes locked with each other.  My throat is drying up. The moment for me was so tranquil. I wished we could just stay like this forever. Suddenly he moved.

"I-i'll just put this in between." He places a pillow in between me and him.

"Y-yeah. Y-you can use that to support your arm." I was a stuttering mess while we both smiled awkwardly to each other.

"Good night Lia, thank you for today. Actually, thank you for being concerned." He smiled as he places his left arm above the pillow. 

For some reason my arm moved and I place my hand above his. He didn't twitch but he just stared at me and slowly eases his hand above mine. We both locked eyes once more and smiled at each other.

"Good night Y/N." Flashing as smile at him. I felt his hand squeeze mine softly and reply with a smile. After a few moments of just us staring at each other and with him periodically making faces and me giggling in reply we both succumb to our drowsiness.


My typical morning will be filled with loud alarm noise as a signal for my training and a day to spend with a sore body but never... and I mean never in my wildest dreams, I will be waking up by the sunray coming through a small crack on the window of my room. To make matters worst is the proximity of my face next to Lia who's facing me as well. Our bodies almost clashing thanks to the pillow I've put in between us. My injured left arm was on top of her hips and my right arm is under her neck as a support for her head. 

Your Saviour. - ITZY Lia x Male ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt