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Gracies POV (7 Years Old)

"Be on your best behaviour Gracie ok?" Will lectured for the 100th time as he put his coat on, "call either me or Jay if there's any problems, Jay should be back around 11 and I think your dad is gonna come to give you a lift home right?" he checked with Eva Dawson who was my babysitter for the night,

"Yeah he is" she confirmed "don't worry we'll be fine" she reassured my brother who smiled,

"Thanks again Eva" he said "see you in the morning Gracie, don't stay up to late" he said and I nodded,

"I won't, love you" I said as he opened the front door,

"Love you to" he said as he closed the door with a click.

Eva turned around with a wide smile, "soooo, what do you wanna do?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders,

"We could watch a movie" I suggested and she nodded,

"Sure, your brother left us some money so we could order pizza" she suggested and I nodded enthusiastically, "Go get your PJ's on and I'll call in the order" Eva instructed "you want the usual?" She asked and I nodded,

"Yes please" I said as I rushed to my bedroom to put my PJ's on. Once I was ready Eva helped me drag my duvet off my bed and in to the living room. We got all the pillows we could find and laid them out on the floor before putting the duvet over the top along with some extra pillows for comfort. We sat down and flicked through Disney+ before deciding on the Princess Diaries. We were sat chatting when there was a knock at the door,

"That was quick" Eva commented as she got up and grabbed the $20 bill Will had left for us before disappearing to get the pizzas. Suddenly I heard a crash followed by Eva screaming "GRACIE" she screamed "GRACIE RUN." I stood up alarmed and ran in to the hallway where Eva was now passed out on the floor with blood pouring from the side of her head.

"EVA!" I screamed as I ran over to her crying "Eva wake up" I begged "Please wake up" I cried. I suddenly felt someone behind me cover my face with a funny smelling cloth. I tried to struggle but the man holding me was not only twice my size, but he was also twice as strong. Suddenly everything went black.

Jays POV

"Here you go" Adam announced as he slid another bottle of beer across the table before doing the same for Hailey and Antonio,

"Thanks" I said as I picked up my bottle to take a drink, but just then my phone began to ring with Eva Dawsons name flashing across the screen causing me to frown,

"Eva" I greeted causing Antonios attention to fall on me "everything ok?" I asked hoping that I wasn't going to be required to threaten my little sister into behaving over the phone,

"J-Jay" she sobbed "I-I'm so s-sorry i-i tried to stop them" she cried as my eyes grew wide,

"Stop who Eva what's happened" I said as a number of thoughts flashed through my head. At this point everyone at the table had their full attention on me with looks of curiosity and worry plastered across their faces, especially Antonios.

"I-I don't know who they a-are" she sobbed hysterically "J-Jay they t-took Gracie" she exclaimed. Time seemed to stand still as I processed what Eva had just told me. Gracie's gone? Who would take her? Why Would they take her? I snapped out of my thoughts and forced my brain in to action,

"Eva I need you to calm down ok? We're on our way now" I assured as I hung up the phone.

"Gracies been kidnapped" was all I had to say before the four of us where out of Mollys and driving back to the apartment. Hailey called Voight on the way and he was going to meet us at our apartment with the rest of intelligence. I knew I had to call Will and I was dreading it, but I took a deep breath and dialled his number waiting for him to answer.

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