Missing Money

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Gracies POV (13 Years Old)

"Please Will" I pleaded as we drove home "I promise I'll pay you back" I stated and he quirked an eyebrow me,

"And how are you gonna do that? You don't have a job Gracie" he said obviously,

"Well...I can do chores around the house" I said and he scoffed,

"It's cute that you think you have a choice about doing chores" he said causing me to frown,

"Please Will" I said as I rested my head on the back of the seat,

"No Gracie" he said again "you get $10 a week and you've already spent it, it's no ones fault but your own" he stated as he pulled the car to a stop outside of our apartment building "you've really gotta learn to be more responsible with your money, You can still go without any money anyway, I don't see what the big deal is" he shrugged.

We walked up to our apartment and I made a quick retreat for my room, bypassing a confused looking Jay. This is so unfair! I won't even have money to get ice cream! I huffed in annoyance as I flopped back on to my bed and began to read some of my book. Time got away from me and I didn't realise that until Jay walked in to my room to say dinner was ready,

"I'm not hungry" I said as I kept my focus on my book,

"Well you need to eat something" he stated but I ignored him causing him to rudely remove my book from my hands,

"Jay!" I exclaimed "I was reading that" I stated and he shrugged,

"And you can continue to once you've eaten your dinner" he said in a tone that left no room for arguments and I sighed in defat,

"At least let me put a bookmark in so I don't loose my place" I asked as I picked up my discarded bookmark from my bedside table and slipped it in,

"Right you've done that so let's go" he ushered me out of my room. I begrudgingly sat down at the kitchen table and stared at the plate of chicken and potatoes in front of me. I'm really not in the mood for food and I guess Will noticed that when I made no move to begin eating,

"Gracie, you need to eat" he urged and I sighed,

"I'm really not hungry" I rolled my eyes "can't I just eat a banana or something?" I asked and he frowned,

"No, you can eat what's in front of you" he said indicating to my yet untouched food and I huffed slightly "at least try Gracie" he pleaded but I didn't react,

"Am I gonna have to feed you like a toddler? Cause I will" Jay threatened as I narrowed my eyes at him. He wouldn't do that would he...i'm not going to risk it. With a frustrated sigh I picked up my fork and began to eat the meal in front of me and Jay continued to eat, obviously satisfied with my response.

Once we finished our meal Will disappeared to have a shower as he was on a night shift tonight and Jay sat himself in front of the TV with a beer. I wonder if Will had spoken to him about me asking for money? It's worth a try,

"Jayyy" I said sweetly as I put my arms around his neck from behind the sofa "you know you're my favourite brother right" I said and he scoffed,

"Obviously" he agreed "but I'm not giving you any money Gracie so don't even try it" he said and I groaned,

"Fineee" I said as I made a move to sit on the sofa next to him "you know, it's like you two don't like me having a social life" I muttered,

"Oh yes Gracie, because we didn't get to spend enough time with you this past year in isolation" he mocked and I huffed,

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