Thunder Storm

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Gracie POV (Age 6)

I bolted straight up from my bed when a crash of thunder echoed through my bedroom along with a flash of lightening. My heart beat against my chest as I ran from my bedroom and in to the living room were Will was sat watching TV.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" He asked concerned as I leapt on to him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

"It's too scary to sleep" I said as I clung on to my big brother as if my life depended on it. Which in my eyes, IT DID!

"You don't need to be scared Gracie, it's only a storm, It can't hurt you" he tried to explain reassuringly,

"How do you know?" I asked, unconvinced by my brothers attempt to comfort me.

"Because, I've see loads of storms before and I'm still here aren't I?" He quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Where's Jay?" I asked curiously

"He's just gone out for a bit, he'll be back soon" he assured. But my head shot up in panic,

"He can't be out in the storm!" I exclaimed "what if something happens to him?" I cried.

"Jay's a big boy he'll be fine hunny" Will informed, but I shook my head,

"I'm not going to bed until he's home and I know he's safe!" I exclaimed adamantly.

"He'll be fine, I promise" Will reasoned "you'll see him in the morning" he assured.

"Please Will" I begged giving my brother the best puppy dog eyes I could muster, Will sighed,

"Fine" he caved "but straight to bed when he gets home" he informed "no arguments," I nodded

"Pinky promise" I said as I held out my pinky, Will laughed but linked his much larger finger with mine. A loud crash of thunder rang out once again and I clung too Will, hiding my face in his chest.

"Hey, its fine Gracie" he assured "I've got an idea" he announced and my head shot up, "Why don't we watch Tangled?" He asked, trying to encourage me to release him from the death grip I had him in. I nodded my head,

"Ok, I guess that make make things a little better" I said, cautiously releasing will so he could stand up to grab the remote, putting Disney+ on the tv.

We sat and watched Tangled together, with me jumping occasionally at the odd strike of thunder or lightening, and we got about halfway through when the sound of keys in the front door caught my attention and Jay let himself in.

"JAY" I exclaimed excitedly as I ran towards him,

"Hey sweetheart" he said whilst picking me up "why aren't you in bed?" He asked as I hugged him super tight!

"She woke up because of the storm and wouldn't go back to bed until you came home" Will informed our brother.

"I wanted to make sure that the nasty storm didn't hurt you!" I said, giving him as kiss on the cheek,

"What are you kidding?" Jay asked "a silly storm can't hurt me, I'm too strong" he exclaimed, I laughed as Will shook his head.

"Right Gracie, remember our promise? Back to bed now" Will instructed and I whined slightly,

"Can't I at least watch the end of the movie?" I pleaded, using my puppy dog eyes once again,

"I don't think so, that look isn't going to work again" Will smirked as my shoulders slumped "Bedtime" he instructed once again as jay placed me back on the floor,

"Go on" he instructed "you go and get in bed and I'll come and tuck you in" Jay offered.

"Ok fine" I said as I went over and hugged Will,

"Night, Love you" he said as he gave me a kiss on the head,

"Night night, love you to" I replied as I made my way back in to my bedroom and crawled under the sheets. As promised, Jay came in to my room not shortly after and pulled the covers up to my chin,

"Night Gracie" he said as he copied Will's earlier action by giving me a kiss on the forehead,

"Night Jay, Love you" I said as he was leaving,

"Love you to" he replied as he left my bedroom, leaving the door open a crack, just as I like it.

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