The Evil Dance Teacher

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Gracies POV (5 Years Old)

"I don't wanna go to dance class anymore" I said sadly as I climbed up on to the sofa next to Jay.

"Why not?" He asked with a concerned frown "I thought you loved dance" he added making me shrug.

"I just don't wanna do it anymore" I said as I looked down at my hands nervously.

"Well how about you just give it one more try for me and if you still don't wanna do it then you don't have to" he suggested but I shook my head.

"I don't wanna go again Jay" I exclaimed with tears pouring from my eyes "the teachers horrible" I added tearfully.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a concerned frown.

"I'm not meant to tell anyone" I mumbled and Jay moved to bend down in front of me.

"Gracie, what aren't you meant to tell anyone?" He encouraged seriously.

"About what she does when she gets mad" I explained uncomfortably "can I go play in my room now?" I asked hopefully but Jay shook his head.

"What does she do when she gets mad Gracie?" He urged.

"When she get's real mad, sometimes she'll pinch my arm and call me names" I admitted "but I don't know why she doesn't like me Jay because she doesn't do it to anyone else" I exclaimed "why does she hate me?" I sobbed and Jay sighed.

"C'mere" he said as he opened his arms for me to climb in to. He held me close and I sobbed in to his shoulder as he rubbed soothing circles on my back "this isn't your fault Gracie" he assured as he pulled away from me and wiped some tears from my cheeks using his thumb.

"It's because I'm stupid" I said adamantly.

"Hey, don't say that" he lightly scolded "you're not stupid baby girl" he assured "you're not stupid" he repeated.

"They why is she only horrible to me?" I cried.

"I don't know" he admitted "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out" he added. Just then keys could be heard in the lock and Will walked in with a smile that instantly turned in to a frown when he saw my red puffy eyes and Jay crouched down in front of me.

"What's going on?" He asked with a frown; I jumped off the sofa and ran in to my confused brothers arms as he picked me up and held me close to him. Jay explained to Will everything I had told him and I felt Wills hold on me become tighter.

"How long's this been going on Gracie?" Will asked as he encouraged me to remove my face form his shirt.

"Erm" I tried to think "you remember when you, Jay and Hailey came to watch that show when I was a butterfly?" I asked.

"Since then?" Will asked and I nodded.

"That was nearly three months ago" Jay commented.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked with a hiccup.

"Of course not" Jay assured "you did nothing wrong Gracie" he added.

"But if anything like this ever happens you need to tell someone straight away, ok?" Will asked and I nodded in understanding.

"Do I still have to go back one more time?" I asked with dread.

"No, you never have to go back there" Jay said.

"Promise?" I asked making Jay smile softly at me.

"I promise" he confirmed "now why don't you go play in your room for a little while" he suggested. Will kissed the side of my head before putting me on to the floor, allowing me to run off to play in my bedroom.

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