Hawaii Part One

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AN! Hi everyone! So here's the first part of my Hawaii story! Let me know what you think because all of your comments make my day! Also, I was thinking of doing a bit of a Hawaii five-0 cross over in the next part. Nothing to major, just that maybe Danny and Steve find Gracie when she's lost on the beach or something like that. Let me know if you think this will be a good idea! Also (again) do you like it when I add the outfit pics in?  AN over! Enjoy the story! 

Gracies POV (6 Years Old)

"Gracie" I heard a voice say gently as a hand shook my shoulder "wake up princess" the voice spoke again. I fluttered my eyes open to see Will standing next to my bed "It's time to get up" he said as I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes,

"You're already dressed" I frowned making him smile,

"And you're not" he replied "so are you gonna get up so you can do that?" He asked and I nodded excitedly "good girl, go to the bathroom and wash your face and brush your teeth" he instructed.

I finished what I needed to do in the bathroom and when I came back in to my room Will had already made my bed and was now laying out my clothes on top of it,

"Did you brush your teeth?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation "well done, get dressed and then go and find Jay so he can do your hair" he instructed and I went about getting dressed.

Once I was all dressed and ready I grabbed my hairbrush and walked out of my room to find Jay,

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Once I was all dressed and ready I grabbed my hairbrush and walked out of my room to find Jay,

"Jay?" I asked as I looked in to the kitchen and living room to see if I could find him,

"In here" his voice replied and I skipped over to his bedroom where he was zipping up his suitcase,

"Will said that you need to do my hair" I told him as I held out my hairbrush that had multiple hair ties wrapped around the handle. Jay nodded and took the brush from my hand before ushering me to sit down on his bed. He made quick work of brushing all of the knots from my hair before twisting it at each side and putting it in pigtails,

"There you go" he said as he tied off the second ponytail,

"Thank you" I said as I hopped off the bed and took my hairbrush back,

"Go and put this in your suitcase please, otherwise it'll get forgotten and you have hair like a birds nest for the week" he said and I ran off to do just that.

I sat on the sofa waiting with my shoes on and my backpack next to me when a notification flashed up on Wills phone,

"Car's here" Will said "Gracie, c'mon" he urged and I jumped off the sofa and put my backpack on my back,

"WAIT" I squealed once I realised I was once again missing my prized possession,

"Let me guess" Jay spoke "missing something?" He asked as he held up my bunny out for me to take whilst shaking his head,

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