Hit By a Car?!

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Gracies POV (8 Years Old)

Where is Jay? That was all that was going through my head as I sat on the wall outside of my school. All of my friends had already been picked up and where probably already at home. Jay's never been this late before. Maybe I should just try and get home myself...or to the district! That would probably be a better bet. It's starting to get dark and I don't wanna be out here on my own. I took one last look down the street to check that there was definitely no sign of Jay before deciding that it was gonna be my best option. So I grabbed my backpack and put it on my back before heading in the direction I know the district is.

I continued on my walk for five minutes before realising that I needed to cross the road to get to the street I needed. I swallowed down my nerves before looking both ways and beginning to cross the road. That's when it all went black.

"Hey honey, can you hear me?" I heard a voice ask over the loud ringing that was filling my ears "everything's gonna be ok sweetie there's an ambulance on the way" the female voice assured as my eyes flicked open and darted around in a panic. I tried to move myself to sit up but I found someone holding my head still making me squeal in panic,

"It's ok, it's ok" the man holding my head tried to assure "just try and stay still and there's an ambulance on the way" he tried to comfort,

"What's your name sweetie?" The woman from before asked,

"Erm, G-Gracie" I said through panic and pained cries,

"That's a pretty name" she smiled "and look, here's the ambulance now" she said as an ambulance came to a stop near us,

"What've we got?" a voice asked,

"My husband and I came out of the coffee shop over there when we heard the sound of a car speeding away, we looked back and she was just lying here" the woman explained as the paramedic knelt down next to me,

"Hey sweetie" he smiled reassuringly "can you tell me your name?" He asked,

"G-Gracie" I told him as the other paramedic began to do some tests on me,

"How old are you Gracie?" He asked,

"E-Eight" I told him,

"Well Gracie, my name is Gary and this here is my partner Martin" he greeted "we're gonna look after you ok?" He asked and I tried to nod but remembered the man holding my head still,

"Try not to move for us Gracie" The other paramedic I now know is called Martin urged "what we're gonna do is get you on to a something called a spinal board just to until the doctors can make sure that everything is ok" he explained,

"I want my brothers" I sobbed,

"Ok sweetheart, we're gonna get you to a hospital right now and they can find them for you" Gary explained as I was wheeled in to the back of the ambulance, seeing nothing but the sky and then the roof of the ambulance above me "was your brother supposed to be with you?" He asked,

"Uh huh" I replied through tears "nobody came to my school" I tried to explain,

"So you tried to come home yourself?" He asked,

"Yeah" I said,

"Has this ever happened before Gracie?" He asked,

"No never" I replied and he smiled reassuringly,

"Then I'm sure there's just been some kind of cross communication" he said "now I'm just gonna call ahead to the hospital to let them know we're on our way ok?" He asked,

"Uh huh" I agreed "can you ask them to tell my brother?" I asked,

"They won't know who your brother is right now honey" he said with a slight confused frown,

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