Stage Fright

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Gracies POV (7 Years Old)

"Gracie" I heard Will call from the kitchen "c'mon or we're gonna be late" he insisted.

"Coming" I replied as I switched off my bedroom light and met Will in the hallway.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he zipped his coat up and I nodded. We walked out of our apartment and made our way to my school where Jay was already stood by the doors waiting.

"Jay" I exclaimed as I let go of Wills hand and ran over to my other brother who was quick to pick me up.

"Here's the star of the show" He greeted as he planted a kiss on my cheek "are you ready?" He asked and I nodded nervously.

"I think so" I shrugged as he placed me back on the floor.

"Of course you are" Will encouraged as he gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

I took hold of his outstretched hand and we all walked in to the school and over to the hall which had a small stage set up at the front.

"Good luck sweetheart" Will said as he gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"You've got this Gracie" Jay assured as he copied Wills actions before leaving me with my teacher.

It was around ten minutes or so of waiting in the classroom before the teacher had us all line up and walk out in to the hall. I searched the crowd and soon located both of my brothers sitting on the third row back from the front, along with Hailey who had arrived late.

I sat down with the rest of my classmates on the stage, watching and applauding the soloists and singing as a class. As the time came closer to my solo I could feel the nerves begin to build up in my stomach. What if everyone hates it? What if I mess up? What if everyone laughs at me?

"And next up we have Gracie Halstead singing 'part of that world' from the little mermaid." I heard my teacher announce.

I could hear the sound of everyone clapping as my teacher turned to me with an encouraging smile. My eyes widened as the clapping died down. I shook my head making my teacher frown slightly. I locked eyes with Will in the audience and he gave me an encouraging smile and mouthed 'you can do this'. But...I don't think I can. I stood up from my chair and ran off the stage with tears in my eyes.

"Ok, why don't we go straight on to our next talented performer, Benjamin who I-" I could hear my teacher continue but I blocked out the rest as I ran back in to the classroom and began to pace around in a panic. I'm in so much trouble. I can't believe I just did that!

"Hey, what happened out there?" I heard a voice ask and I turned around to see Jay walking over to me making my tears increase.

"Please don't be mad at me I got really scared and I didn't know what to do but now I'm in trouble and I don't get to do my song which I wanted to do but I got to scared so I ran off an-" Jay cut me off before my rambling could continue.

"Gracie Gracie Gracie" He soothed as he pulled me closer to him "Take a breath. You're not in trouble" he assured.

"But I ran off and everyone saw me" I cried as my brother continued to rub soothing circles on my back.

"I know, but that's ok" he replied "everyone gets scared sometimes" he reminded "most people wouldn't even be able to stand up on that stage" he said. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt" my teacher, Miss Adams, said as she slowly walked in to the room "are you ok Gracie?" She asked as I rubbed the tears away from my eyes.

"I got scared" I hiccuped and she smiled sympathetically making my tears increase once again.

"Hey, c'mon" Jay said as he lifted me on to his lap "you where really looking forward to this Gracie" he reminded.

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