Chores = Allowance

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Gracies POV (10 Years Old)

"Can I get an allowance?" I asked absentmindedly as Will drove us both home from Med,

"An allowance?" Will asked as he met my gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Uh huh" I nodded "all of my friends at school have one" I explained,

"Okay, well" he thought "me and Jay will talk about it tonight" he told me and I nodded; content with the answer.

Later that night

After dinner I went and had a shower before getting changed in to my pyjamas and heading in to the living room to watch a movie.

"Just hold off on the movie for a minute kiddo" Jay said from his place in the kitchen,

"Why?" I asked with a curious frown,

"Because we want to talk to you" Will explained as he sat down next to me on the couch.

"But I wanna watch a movie" I groaned,

"Look, do you want an allowance or not?" Will asked and I stopped groaning and sat up bolt straight to show I was listening "so I spoke to Jay about you wanting an allowance and we both agreed that you're right" he told me and my eyes widened excitedly.

"Really?" I asked hopefully,

"Really" Jay confirmed and I squealed excitedly "but" he interjected sternly making me stop my squeals of excitement "you have to earn it" he told me making me frown slightly.

"Earn it how?" I asked confused. I don't remember any of my friends mentioning them having to earn it?

"Well, first of all you're gonna have a list of chores and for every chore you complete you get a dollar. If you complete them all then you'll have $10 at the end of the week" Will clarified.

"But I already have chores to do" I replied,

"Well now you have more to do" Jay said making my face crumple up in slight displeasure "don't pull that face Gracie I think that's more than fair" he told me making Will nod in agreement.

"Mom and dad made us earn our allowance when we where kids" Will said "that does however mean that you can have it taken off you as punishment" added.

"That means that if you have an attitude or you don't listen then you kiss that weeks allowance goodbye" Jay added making me sigh slightly but still nod in understanding "deal?" He asked,

"Deal" I agreed.

The next morning

"So you need to draw a grid with seven boxes down and ten across" Jay told me as he helped me mark out the lines on the paper with a ruler and pencil. I carefully drew out the grid on to the paper before writing the days of the week down the side in different coloured markers.

"What do I write in these ones?" I asked, referring to the ten blank boxes on the top of the page,

"That's where you write the chore you have to do" Jay explained,

"Like what?" I frowned.

"Well for starters I think making your bed should be one" he told me and I shrugged my shoulder in a sign of reluctant agreement "so you can write that in the first box" he added.

Gradually we went through each column and wrote in a different chore:

1. Make my bed (every morning)

2. Keep my bedroom tidy (every morning)

3. Set the table and tidy my place when finished (every night)

4. Help make dinner (every night)

5. Run my own bath and tidy the bathroom after (every night)

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