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Gracies POV (6 Years Old)

"Turn the tv off now Gracie and go wash your hands please" Will said as he began to plate up three plates with the freshly cooked food,

"Two minutes" I replied as my eyes remained firmly fixed on the tv screen in front of me,

"No, not 'two minutes.' Now Gracie" he said firmer but I continued to ignore him "c'mon. If I where you I'd move your butt off that sofa before Jay gets in here because he's not gonna be as patient as I am right now" he warned and I grumbled in displeasure. He's right. With a weary sigh I turned off the TV and hopped off the sofa to go wash my hands "good choice" Will commented as I left the room.

Once I had washed my hands I walked back in to the kitchen and sat at the table next to Jay who already had his plate in front of him.

"Hands washed?" Will asked me as he brought me my plate,

"Yep" I said holding them up as proof,

"Good girl" he praised as he ruffled my hair slightly and I picked up my fork to begin eating my chicken, making a conscious effort to avoid the broccoli that was next to it. Jay and Will had a random conversation whilst I finished off my chicken,

"Finished" I announced and Jay looked over at my plate,

"No you're not" he replied as he gestured to the untouched greens "you need to finish your broccoli Gracie you've not even touched it" he added and I wrinkled my nose in disgust,

"Noooo, I don't like them Jay" I complained with a frown,

"Well you need to eat them Gracelyn" he said with a slight sigh "c'mon. The quicker you eat them the quicker you can leave the table" he encouraged but my frown remained firm and I shook my head defiantly,

"No" I stated adamantly,

"You're not leaving this table until your plate's empty kid" Will chimed causing me to huff in a sign of defiance,

"No. I've finished" I repeated as I made a move to leave the table and began to walk out of the kitchen,

"Gracelyn Halstead get back here and empty your plate" Jay ordered causing me to stop dead in my tracks but make no move to obey "one" he began to count and I stomped my foot angrily "two" he continued with a raised eyebrow "are you really gonna let me get to three and see what happens 'cause you won't like it?" He asked and I screeched angrily and stomped back to the table and sat back down,

"M'not eating it" I stated adamantly,

"Well then you're gonna be sitting there for a long time" he replied before he grabbed his empty plate and took it over to the sink and Will left to go have a shower. I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled angrily. They can't make me sit here forever.

After what felt like an hour, (but was realistically about twenty minutes), I heard a weary sigh from behind me,

"C'mon Gracie" Will encouraged "just eat the broccoli" he urged,

"It's cold" I replied "I'm not eating it cold" I added,

"Well, it wouldn't be cold if you had eaten it when everyone else did" he answered and I whined,

"I wanna leave" I pleaded tearily as I knelt backwards on my chair,

"Not until you eat your food" he repeated and I screeched angrily,

"It's not fair" I sobbed out of frustration,

"Sit on your seat properly and get on with it" Will said as he watched the scene with an unamused frown,

"NO" I shouted angrily and he made a move to walk over me causing me to squeal and sit on my seat "I did it" I whined "I sat down" I added,

"Right. Ten minutes Gracelyn" he instructed, gesturing to my plate and I sighed.

I held my fork and stared at my broccoli in disgust for a couple of minutes before I had an idea. Nobody's here! I'll just sneak the broccoli in to the trash and then Will and Jay'll think I've eaten! Brilliant! I looked around one more time to check I was in the clear before slipping off my chair and bringing my plate with me over to the kitchen. I tiptoed over to the trash. I pushed the pedal down as quietly as I could with my foot but the lid flew up and clashed against the wall behind causing a loud BANG to sound through the apartment,

"Gracelyn" I heard Jay said causing me to jump out of my skin "what do you think you're doing?" Jay asked from behind me where he was stood with his arms crossed over his chest,

"Errrrr" I panicked and my brother narrowed his eyes at me before removing the plate from my hands and grabbing my wrist in the other and walking me back over to the kitchen table. I struggled to try and get him out of his grip but it was no use. Jay put the plate down on the table and I continued to wriggle "get off" I whined and without thinking I brought my fist up and hit Jay straight in the stomach. It didn't even wind him but he looked at me in slight shock before snapping back in to reality "m'sorry I didn't mean to" I pleaded realising my mistake "I'll eat the broccoli" I added as he picked me up off the floor and carried me over to the sofa "please Jay" I begged "I don't wanna spanking" I added as I sobbed. He didn't react to any of my pleas and simply sat down on the sofa and bent me over his knee. He landed about twenty smacks to my upturned bottom before picking me up and walking me over to the corner of the living room,

"You're gonna stand here for six minutes and then you're gonna go and sit at the table and finish your food, do you understand me?" He asked firmly and I nodded with a sniffle,

"Yes" I replied with a nod and he walked away leaving me in time out.

After I served my six minutes Jay walked over and bent down to my level,

"Do you know why you got in trouble?" He asked and I nodded,

"Because I wouldn't eat my broccoli and because I hit you" I replied and he nodded at my response,

"That's not acceptable Gracelyn, no matter how angry you are" he lectured "is it gonna happen again?" He asked and I shook my head,

"No" I said and he wiped away some of my tears with his thumb and I wrapped my arms around his neck,

"Right, c'mon" he said as he took my hand and led me over to the kitchen table where my broccoli was still sat on my plate,

"But it's cold" I whined,

"Well, that's what happens when you leave it for an hour" he replied as he lifted me on to my seat causing me to wince slightly when my butt touched the chair "you'll be fine, it won't kill you" he assured as I sighed in complete defeat,

"Fine" I said and he kissed the top on my head,

"Good girl" he said and sat down next to me to make sure I did as I was told. I forced the cold broccoli down and eventually my plate was empty,

"Are you still sat there Gracie?" Will asked with a slight groan,

"Actually, she's just finished" Jay replied,

"Finally" Will exclaimed "next time let's just skip all of this and eat it with the rest of your food though, ok?" He asked me and I nodded in agreement "Good girl" he praised,

"Can I go on my tablet?" I asked hopefully and my brothers both shared a look,

"Not tonight Gracie" Will said,

"I don't think you deserve it after the way you behaved Gracie, don't you think?" He asked me and I looked down defeated,

"Why don't you go and find some fresh pyjamas and I'll run you a bath" Will suggested and I nodded going to do so. Yeesh. Next time I think I'll just eat the broccoli! 

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