Jay and Hailey What?!

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As requested by chloelouise_22 

Gracies POV (14 Years Old)

I walked up the stairs of our apartment building and used the key to unlock the front door,

"I'm home" I announced as I walked in to the kitchen and threw my backpack on to the kitchen island. Huh, where's Jay? He's normally sitting on the sofa watching some kind of sports game "Jay" I shouted as I grabbed some Oreos from the cupboard.

"Gracie?" I heard Jay ask from his room,

"Kitchen" I informed as I sat up on the counter and began to eat my after school snack. Jay appeared through the doorway looking slightly alarmed and...sweaty?

"What're you doing here? I thought you had a rehearsal tonight" he frowned as he pulled his shirt down slightly,

"It got cancelled" I replied "I tried to call you but you didn't answer so Will told me to just come home" I shrugged. What's the big deal?

"Oh sorry, my phone must've been on silent" he said as I nodded suspiciously "why don't you go to your room and start on your homework" he suggested,

"I will but I'm hungry" I shrugged my shoulders,

"Just take them with you" he suggested causing me to frown in confusion,

"I'm not allowed food in my room Jay" I reminded as he rubbed his hand across his face,

"It's fine Gracie just don't tell Will" he replied hurriedly as he ushered me off the kitchen counter and in to my bedroom. That was weird. Why was he acting so shifty, like he was hiding something. I sat down on my bed and continued to eat the Oreos as I pulled my phone out to text Will,

Me: I just got home

Will: Ok, I finish at 6. Tell Jay I'll grab food on the way home

Me: Ok, Jay's acting super weird

Will: What's new?

Me: Weirder than normal...

Will: I'm sure it's nothing, he's probably just preoccupied with work or something

Me: Yeah, you're probably right. See you soon

I sat for a while flicking through my phone before deciding to make a start on my homework. I pulled out my books from my backpack and sat down at my desk and opened up my laptop. I stared blankly at the math problem that was in front of me but I still couldn't get my head around it so I decided to go and ask Jay for help. I picked up my laptop and books before leaving my bedroom and walking to the kitchen. Still not here. Man, what the hell is he doing? I walked over to his bedroom door and knocked "Jay I need help with my homework" I said as I waited for him to open the door. I heard a few thud noises before the door opened and a shirtless Jay appeared "What're you doing?" I asked frowning at his appearance,

"What?" He asked confused before looking down his bare chest "oh, I just got out of the shower" he said shaking his head in a casual manner. Yep. Something is definitely weird.

"Ok...can you help me with my homework?" I repeated my earlier question,

"Sure babe just give me ten minutes" he said with a fake smile. I nodded with slightly narrowed eyes before turning to walk back to my bedroom, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a sneeze coming from Jays room,

"Who was that?" I asked with a frown,

"Oh sorry, that was me, it think I'm coming down with something" he lied causing me to raise my eyebrow at him,

"Jay, that sounded like a women" I said as the pieces started to fit together.

"Don't be stupid Gracie, now can you leave so I can get dressed" he instructed. I nodded as Jay closed his door once again when I suddenly remembered that I'd left my calculator in his room the other day. Without really thinking I opened the door and entered "sorry I forgot my calcul-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw Hailey lying in my brothers bed nervously with the covers pulled up to her chin "oh god" I exclaimed "I'll just get it later" I said as I left the room in a haste and ran back to my own room. I can't say I was surprised that they where together, I mean it was pretty obvious that they liked each other, but that didn't make it any less awkward to find her in his bed. I picked up my phone and texted Will,


Will: He finally told you?

Me: You knew about this?

Will: Yeah he told me a few weeks ago

Me: You should have told me! Then maybe I wouldn't have walked in to his room and found her naked in his bed!

Will: Oh god...

I threw my phone on to my bed and laid down next to it, millions of questions flying through my head. I lied there for around half an hour before Jay shouted from the kitchen,

"Gracie, can you come out here please" he shouted. I awkwardly left my room and walked to the kitchen where Jay and a now fully clothed Hailey where sat at the table,

"What's up?" I asked in the most casual way possible,

"About what you just saw" Jay began awkwardly and I shrugged my shoulders,

"You don't have to explain anything Jay I'm fourteen not stupid" I declared and he nodded with a slight smile,

"Right, I guess I forget that sometimes" he said,

"So...are you guys together now or..." I asked leaving the question open ended.

"We are" Hailey smiled slightly,

"We where gonna tell you Gracie but I didn't know how you would react" Jay admitted making me frown slightly,

"Why? You know I love Hailey and it was only a matter of time before it happened" I stated "I'm just surprised it took you so long" I shook my head,

"I know you do but we just wanted to take it slow for a while" he defended "and after what happened last time I didn't want you to get upset again" he said silently referring to Erin,

"I get that" I smiled "but you don't have to protect me from everything in the world you know" I shook my head,

"That's my job Gracie, I'll never stop" he stated causing me to roll my eyes slightly,

"You always tell me not to keep secrets from you Jay" I began "I think it's only fair that you don't keep secrets from me" I said and Jay nodded,

"Okay, you're right" he agreed "I promise I'll try and be more open with you about this sort of stuff in the future" he confirmed and I smiled, standing up and walking over to him I wrapped my arms around him "when did you become so grown up?" He asked as he gave me a kiss on the head. I shrugged my shoulders and looked up at him,

"Someones gotta be a grown up round here with you children" I stated with a cheeky smirk causing him to raise an amused eyebrow at me,

"Yeah well you wanna be careful, this child can ground you" he replied with an equal amount of mischief laced through his voice. I pulled away from him before turning to Hailey and enveloping her in a huge hug,

"I finally won't be the only girl around here" I said excitedly causing her to laugh. We sat in the living room chatting for a while before Hailey left and shortly after Will arrived with two bags of food,

"Hey, I hear you've been scarring our innocent little sister for life" Will said to Jay causing him to throw his hands up in mock offence,

"Hey look man, I'm just trying to give her a normal childhood" he defended causing Will to laugh and me to wrinkle my nose in disgust,

"Normally I would thank you for that, but this time I really think you could have missed that out" I said as I sat at the kitchen table. We ate our Chinese food and watched some TV before I decided to call it a night and headed to bed. Man, let's hope tomorrow is a little less eventful.

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