Push and Shove

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Gracies POV (6 Years Old)

"Hey Grace" I heard a mocking voice say behind me.

"It's Gracie" I corrected with a tired sigh. Tyler Gibbs. Urgh. I hate this guy!

"My mom say's it's rude to correct people" he replied with his arms crossed over his chest "didn't yours?" He asked "oh wait...you don't have one" he mocked making the anger rise inside of me.

"Shut up Tyler" I warned with a teary frown.

"Or what? You're gonna tell your daddy?" He questioned again "oh wait...you don't have one of them either" he mocked a second time.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" I screamed as I pushed both of my hands against his chest making him fall back on to the floor, hitting his mouth in the process.

"OW! My teeth. You knocked my teeth out" he sobbed as I angrily wiped the tears away with my sleeve.

"Gracelyn Halstead" I heard my teachers voice boom as she walked across the playground "you do not push people" she scolded as she bent down to comfort Tyler.

"He was being mean" I accused.

"Principals office right now young lady" she ordered.

With anger still running through my veins I stormed all the way across the playground, in to the school, and over to the principals office.

The secretary, Miss Simpson, was on the phone when I arrived but she gave me a pointed look before indicating for me to sit down. I sat and continued to silently cry as what I had just done began to fully sink in. I watched as the lady walked in to the principals office and didn't return for another five minutes.

I continued to watch as she typed something in to the computer before picking up the phone and dealing a number.

"Hello is this Jay Halstead?" My stomach began to do flips. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. "I'm afraid your sister has been involved in an altercation this afternoon which has lead to her pushing another student to the ground." That's not fair! I don't even get to say my side of the story! "Gracelyn is ok but the other student has lost his front teeth so the principal is asking that you come in as soon as possible for a meeting." Great. "Ok Mr Halstead we'll see you soon" she said before hanging up the phone. "Your brother's on his way" she said. Yeah thanks. It's not like just heard the whole conversation or anything. "The principal would like to talk to you" she said. I sniffled up and silently shook my head.

I sat and silently cried on the bench for a good fifteen minutes before my brother arrived.

"Hi, my name's Jay Halstead you just called me" he explained to the secretary, once he had given me a particularly sharp look. She handed him a visitors badge before telling him the principal would be out soon.

"Please don't be mad" I sobbed as he sat down on the bench next to me. He opened his mouth to reply when the door to the office opened and the principal appeared.

"Mr Halstead, please come in" Mr Hart said as he gestured for us to enter his office.

"C'mon. Move." Jay instructed as he gently pushed me in front of him and in to the office where we both sat down on the chairs in front of the desk. I guess I'm gonna have to make the most of sitting down comfortably.

"My name's Mr Hart" the principal said as he shook my brothers hand "I'm sorry our first meeting is in such unfortunate circumstances" he added "I'm sure my secretary has informed you as to why I've asked you to come down here today" he said.

"She has" Jay nodded "I can only apologise. This behaviour is really out of character for Gracie" he added.

"I'm sure it is" Mr Hart nodded "but we need to make sure that it stays an isolated incident" he added "your sisters behaviour today goes against everything we stand for as a school and we simply can't tolerate it" he explained.

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