Part 6

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Taehyung's POV

Since the first time I saw her, I wanted her.

I Iiked her everything.

Her looks, and even more, her character.

She was gentle.

She was kind.

She was intelligent.

She was diligent.

She was enchanting.

She was intriguing.

She was everything I wanted to find in a partner.

I wanted to make her mine.

And when that opportunity came where she offered herself to me, I took it without second thoughts.

I didn't think far.

I didn't think of the consequences.

Most importantly, I didn't think of how she might feel.

Her feelings.

And then when I realized it, it was already too late.

It backfired.

While my love for her increased day by day, the only feeling increased in her heart was hurt.

She wouldn't even glance my way now.

I hated how she tried to hide the pain in like that last time we watched sunrise together, and I hated that I knew that that's only the surface of her pain.

My rash decision in wanting to make her mine had hurt her. 

The pain grew day by day, and even though I've let her go now, it seemed that the pain was still there.

What should I do?

What should I do?

What should I do?

Banging my head on the desk every time I questioned myself, I paused when a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in," covering my forehead with my hand pretending to be busy with my laptop, it shocked me that the person behind the door was Y/N.

"Yes?" I asked with a controlled voice, not wanting to show her my obviously troubled mind because of her.

"May I know when Mr. Kim Namjoon will be back?" she asked, her tone of voice was completely professional.

"Hyung would be back by next month. Why?" informing her the info she asked for after a short look at the calendar, I gave her my attention again.

I miss her.

"We have a meeting with Mr. Jeon that needs his presence next week, but if that's the case I'll postpone the meeting?" she asked, her beautiful natural arc of eyebrows raised a little as she threw her question to me.

"When's the meeting?" asking as my hand went to take my planner, I flipped through my planner to see my next week's schedule.

"Next Wednesday at two," she said and pointing my finger to the date and time mentioned by her, it seemed that I was fairly free on that day.

"I'll attend on his behalf," giving my decision, I looked to the woman who had managed to steal my heart at first glance.

"Oh, alright then. I'll inform his secretary to proceed with the meeting. But Mr. Kim..." she paused, looking hesitant to continue.

"What is it?"

"Your forehead -" she slowly pointed to her own forehead and I slapped mine instantly, forgotten that I had slammed it on the table so many times before.

As result, I grunted in pain at my own action, and all my facade trying to look cool in front of her crumbled in an instant.

"Shit, that hurts!" wincing as I buried my face into my knees, I was too embarrassed to even look up and only heard her footsteps getting further away before the door closed.

Peeking to see if she's still there and confirming that she's not, I sat up straight and sighed out loud, wanting to cry for embarrassing myself.

Dragging my feet to the couch in front of the desk, I plopped myself on it and closed my eyes, knowing that it was lunch hour and no one would disturb my break time.

"Taehyung, you are an embarrassment to yourself," mumbling it out, I felt a buzz in my pocket and took out my phone, reading the text.

It's Yoongi hyung.

'Lunch?' he asked.



Placing the phone on the coffee table, I tried to sleep only to be annoyed when I heard the door pushed open.

"Hyung, I don't want to - Y/N?" supporting my weight with one elbow, I immediately sat up straight, wanting to look presentable to the girl.

"For your forehead," she said curt, leaving the ice pack on the table just beside my phone, and was leaving now.


Don't leave.

"Are you going for lunch?" blurting out the question as I hastily stood up causing my knee to hit the coffee table, I hissed at the pain but still gave my focus solely to the girl.

"Yes," she answered, and an idea quickly popped up in my head.

"Can I -"

"No," she cut me off before I could even tell her what I wanted, and I felt my shoulders drooped with my mouth on pout now.

"Okay," muttering it out sadly, I pouted even more when Y/N didn't even hesitate to leave the room after she heard me.

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