Part 7

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Why is he so cute now?

After what happened in his office that day, Taehyung became more and more clumsy day by day.

But although it was cute, I sometimes worry about the well-being of these heirs of the Kim's company.

His older brother was on honeymoon with his husband, Kim Seokjin after their grandiose wedding, and would only come back next week. Thus, the company was totally in the control of the second son of the Kim's now.

But looking at Kim Taehyung now, the big brother might have to cut his vacation short due to how reckless his little brother was treating himself.

Did the clumsiness runs in the family?

I knew how clumsy Namjoon was after closely working with the male as one of the direct employees under him, but for Taehyung to be clumsy was a first.

What happened?

And his work outfits.

Previously he would always dolled himself up in very expensive, branded suits, but now he'd just wear the most comfortable clothes in the world and didn't even care to style his hair.

Not that his handsomeness disappear.

It was clear to us employees that our boss's handsomeness couldn't even be hidden under those comfy clothes and curly hair.

It's like the man turned into a young boy all of a sudden, and Jimin’s boyfriend looked even mature than this guy now even though the man was two years younger.

"Y/Nieeeee," I turned at the cheerful call and smiled wide when I saw Jimin approaching.

"Jiminieee," opening my arms to the male, Jimin didn't even hesitate and launched himself at me for a tight hug, showing his happiness for being released from work after such a long day.

"What are you thinking?" he let go of me and we walked to the entrance where Jungkook was already waiting for his boyfriend there.

"Mr. Kim," telling him direct, Jimin tilted his head towards me to see my face as his own filled with frowns.

Jimin knew about what happened between me and Taehyung.

Being the kind friend he was, he always tried to stop me but me being stubborn, never listened to the male.

"Why? Did he trouble you?"

"No, I'm just weirded by his drastic change," I spoke out my thoughts, and Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I wonder about that too. But maybe he just wanted to get your attention? He's been calling you to his office frequently these days," he asked, and even if that might be true, I can't act like everything's okay yet.

"Jimin, it's not easy," smiling but not really smiling to the male, he patted my head soft as he also gave me a small smile.

"I know, but Jungkook said Taehyung had been drunk calling him thinking that he was you," Jimin told, and I raised my eyebrows at the info.

"It's true," Jungkook popped up and smoothly scooped his boyfriend in his arms and kissed Jimin’s forehead, making me pouted sadly, being jealous of their happy relationship.

"Kookie, people are looking" Jimin’s cheeks turned pinkish easily and even though he frowned at his boyfriend, I know he liked being pampered like that.

"Not that they don't know you're mine," kissing Jimin’s cheek this time, I knew how much Jungkook loved Jimin's blushes.

What a happy couple.

"Argh! I'm going home," grunting in jealousy, the two only grinned wide at my reaction to their sweetness before Jungkook spoke up.

"Y/N noona, it's true. Taehyung hyung really did that. I recorded his rambles and will send it to you later," he told, and I shook my head.

"No need, I don't think I want to hear it," smiling as I rejected his offer, Jungkook quickly fished out his phone and I knew he was searching for the recording.

Upon hearing a ding of notification from my phone, I just stared unamused at Jimin, who just smiled guiltily at his boyfriend's stubbornness.

"Sent. Just try to listen. Hyung is really honest when he's drunk," Jungkook smiled with such bright gleam in his eyes, and I wondered how his eyes could be so bright like that.

So pretty.

"Alright, but I can't promise anything" not wanting to give the boys any hope, Jungkook shook his head telling that he's not expecting anything in return.

"Nah, you don't have to do anything. I'm just helping hyung after he had introduced me to Jimin. Although I'm sure he'd beat me up for giving that recording to you," the young man smiled wide showing his pretty row of teeth, and I just watched as the two lovebirds exchanged glances filled with love to each other.

Not wanting to third wheel anymore, I took a step back and earned the focus of the two.

"Well, alright. I'll get going now. Enjoy your date, you two," waving goodbye to both of them, I made my way to the car and sighed out after I was properly seated on the driver seat.

Fishing out the phone from my coat, my eyes was fixed to that one notification from Jungkook.

Should I?

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