Chapter One

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My glasses slipped down the bridge of my nose from the thin sheen of sweat. For the tenth time, I shoved them back up where they belonged, not looking away from the book I was studying. Almost involuntarily, my fingers clenched tightly around the book, knuckles turning white, as the noise from two tables over increased in volume.

I know what you're thinking. If it was so noisy, why didn't I go elsewhere? Thing is, I was there before those stupid popular kids arrived, and was not about to leave my favorite place to study. If anyone was leaving, it would be them. Not me.

Of course, they'd have to realize what a disturbance they were being - I wasn't the only one shooting them annoyed looks - and even more miraculous, they'd have to see that I was studying for the calculus exam coming up. And, to my utter humiliation, they'd have to acknowledge my existence after discovering it.

After another loud cackle and yell, I finally broke. Shoving my things in my messenger bag, I put some cash on the table for the waitress and left the cafe, heading for the library down the street. Maybe I'd be able to study in peace there.

"Sam! Hey, Sam! Wait up for me!"

My shoulders tensed. What did he want?? To tell me what a freak I was again?? With a resigned and bitter growl, I turned around, only to be pleasantly surprised -- and relieved -- that it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Pete," I said warmly, though my voice was a bit soft so I doubted he heard me. Thank God. "What's up?"

Pete smiled, his bright blue eyes sparkling like they always did. "The sky."

I gave him a deadpanned look. Every time... sheesh.

He laughed at his not funny joke. "Sorry, sorry. Studying as usual?"

"What else would I be doing?"

"Plotting ways to bring down the pop-dom?" He teased, glancing over my shoulder. "I see they managed to chase you out of your favorite haunt by doing nothing."

"Yeah, if you call acting like a pack of hyenas nothing," I muttered, scuffing my shoe on the sidewalk in irritation. Movement from behind Pete caught my attention. I glanced over; a sleek, black Mercedes pulled up to the curb, and a guy got out of the driver's seat to open the back door so another guy could step out. "Rich and snooty at eleven o'clock. Lets get."

Pete smirked and linked arms with me, not even bothering to look back and see if what I'd said was true or not. I heard footsteps on the sidewalk behind us as we continued on our route to the library, but I didn't pay them much attention. I figured whoever they were, they were headed for the cafe.

Imagine my surprise when a hand grabbed my arm, yanking me away from Pete, causing me to stumble and nearly fall. A yelp escaped me as I fought to regain my balance. Instead, I found myself clutched tightly against someone, my back against their firm chest. The person, a guy, said something in a foreign language. I stared ahead at a stunned Pete, too shocked and confused to move or say anything.

Finally, Pete shook his head, and frowned at the guy holding me captive. "Let my friend go, man. He hasn't done anything to you."

The guy spoke again. I still couldn't understand the language -- though it sounded vaguely familiar -- but I could hear a faintly pleading tone to the words he was saying. He gently turned me around to face him. I stared up into the face of an Asian guy, who was gazing back down at me as if he knew me.

"Um..." I stammered, attempting to pull away again, but he was holding my arms too tight. "Should I know you?"

The guy cocked his head and opened his mouth, about to say something when he got cut off by the another guy snapping something in the same language. The first guy turned around and shot something back. The second guy shook his head, frowning.

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