Chapter Three

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I heard two guys whispering to each other while I shelved books that Saturday. Frowning, I cocked my head to the side, trying to make out what they were saying. Sounded like gibberish at first...until I finally placed the language. I'd watched enough BL dramas from Thailand to recognize the language. No, I wasn't fluent, nor could I speak it at all, but I recognized the pronunciations and odd sounding intonations.

I peered around the end of the bookshelf I was standing by, inwardly groaning when I saw none other than those guys, M and Aroon. They were arguing, or at least it seemed that way to me. They had unhappy expressions as they glared at each other.

Whatever is going on with them, I don't want to get involved. I ducked back around the corner, pushing the cart of books down to the other end, and resumed shelving.

The hissed whispers got so annoying, I pulled out my phone and ear buds, playing a Kpop song loud enough to drown them out. The anxiety-ridden introvert in me was pleased with this plan. The librarian in me, however, wanted to go twist their ears and throw them out. The introvert silenced the librarian, and I continued to the next aisle to shelve more books.

Then to the next aisle I wheeled the cart, catching a glimpse of the two, still glaring at each other, but now half-focused on me. I inwardly groaned, wishing they'd go away. No such luck, since they started following me around the library. My hands got twitchy as the blatant watching went on, and my face grew hot. I swallowed back an ugly curse word, and schooled my features to look neutral instead of letting the threatening glare break free. Last thing I needed was to get in trouble over losing my temper at two patrons.

Foreign patrons, but wasn't like they were gonna get kicked out anytime soon.

I could see two of the others librarians sneaking constant glances in Aroon's and M's direction. Yeah, I could understand why they were staring, the guys were hot and had cool accents. But I had a job to do, and if I didn't do it, I wouldn't get paid. So, I ignored them to the best of my abilities.

Which lasted all of half my shift.


I jerked my hand back from the bookshelf, the book on Hitler flying out of my hand to land on the carpeted floor with a dull 'thud'. Heart pounding from adrenaline, I whirled around to glower at whoever had snuck up on me.

M stood behind me, an apologetic expression on his face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," my words came out flat. I scooped up the book, eyeing him warily. "Was there something you needed?"

"Yes. We were wondering if it was possible to use one of the library computers?"

"You'd need a library card, but I don't know if either of you can get one since you don't live here. You can ask one of them," I jerked a thumb to the left, gesturing to the two women at the front desk, glancing in our direction multiple times. "They'd have more knowledge about it than I do."

M smiled, doing that funny bow again. "Thank you so much. I will go ask them." He turned and headed for the desk.

I frowned to myself. Why did he keep bowing to me?? They were obviously older. I recognized that bow as a 'waii' from Thai BL dramas. The younger, or nong, would bow to the older, phi; even khun, which was a very formal honorific. Maybe he bowed to me because I knew more about where they were than they did??


I'd figure it out later.

About a half hour later I was finally done shelving books. A couple of little kids wanted to get library cards, and I sent them to the front desk. I wasn't yet recognized nor qualified as a full librarian yet, so I wasn't allowed to issue library cards nor settle fines and stuff like that. But I could do plenty of other things, like shelve books, find requested books and set them aside, and even help people on the library computers. All in all, my job was pretty satisfying. I got to be around books and plenty of peace and quiet. Major plus was I got paid for it.

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