Chapter Twelve

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My hands were visibly shaking as I tore open the envelope and pulled the sheets of paper out to read them. I was terrified to find out what they said.

They only needed one sheet of paper to reject me, right?

Behind Aroon's back, I'd applied for Chulalongkorn University, taking their entrance exams at the local community college and everything. My GPA and grades were so high, I was hopeful. If I could get accepted, then I would be able to go to university and see Aroon, since he had to go back to Thailand soon, anyway. Which wasn't fair.

I unfolded the papers, smoothing them on the coffee table to read. A grin spread across my face at the words We are pleased to inform you, and let out a joyful yell. Ryan came running out of his room, marks on his face from his sheets and pillow, having been dead asleep taking a nap.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he asked, frazzled. He looked around for the intruder or whatever I'd been yelling at.

"I got accepted!" I said excitedly, waving the letter at him. Now that I knew I'd gotten in, I realized the rest of the stuff in the huge manila envelope were the freshman packet and a pamphlet.

Ryan blinked a couple times. "Um...Harvard, right? Congratulations."

"No, I got that letter already," I said dismissively. "I got accepted to Chulalongkorn University!"

"...what university??" Ryan was so confused, I wanted to laugh.

"Chulalongkorn University. It's in Bangkok, Thailand," I told him, watching his face carefully. I didn't know how he'd react to the news that I was planning on going overseas.

"Oh..." he yawned. "That's ni - wait just a second," he squinted at me. "Did you say Thailand?"

I grinned. "Surprise?"

"You said Harvard was your dream! I thought you were only going to Massachusetts!" he said, still confused.

I shrugged, picking up the pamphlet and flipping through it. "Dreams can change, Ryan."

"This is because of Aroon, isn't it," Ryan stated.

I glanced at him, not saying anything. Was he angry? Although I couldn't think of a reason why. It was my life after all. I could decide where to attend university for myself. Plus, Chulalongkorn had a great writing program, and it was just as good as Harvard.

"You're going to move overseas for some guy you hardly know??"

I frowned at the blatant skepticism in his voice. "I've known him since last December."

"Yeah, and it's only May now. You graduate in less than two weeks," Ryan pointed out. "Not even half a year, and you're leaving with him?"

"No," I shot back, glowering at him. How dare he ruin my good mood! "He still thinks he's leaving after I graduate by himself. I'm taking a flight the day after and surprising him in Bangkok. I already know where he lives. I just need to get a taxi to take me there."

"One problem: you don't speak Thai."

"I'm learning," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. I could feel my face heating up.

Ryan sighed. "Sheesh. You must be really gone on this guy to go so far for him, Sam."

"I really like him," my voice was small.

Ryan sat next to me on the couch, ruffling my recently dyed and cut hair. It was now white blonde and buzz cut. "I'm not coming down on you. I just wish I had someone that devoted, too."

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