Chapter Ten

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The time seemed to fly by. I was waiting to see the doctor and find out if I could have the cast removed from my wrist. My ribs were pretty much healed, and I was able to walk without limping. My neck still ached when I woke up in the morning, and I got a few headaches, but the doctor had told me that was to be expected. The brain was a touchy thing, and would heal in its own time.

"Mr. Lang?" a nurse called my name.

I stood up and followed her into the back, entering examination room three, and settled myself in a chair. No way was I sitting on that stupid examination table. My feet always dangled a foot off the floor and made me feel like a tiny child again. I hated it.

The doctor came a few moments later, smiling at me.

It wasn't long before I was taken to another room for an x-ray. The doctor examined the x-ray, and showed me where the break had been, and how I was healing nicely. I was so relieved when he said the cast could be removed. He had the nurse give me a paper on exercises to do to regain the lost muscle tone, told me he wanted to see me again in a couple weeks, and sent me on my way.

Aroon wasn't able to be with me, since he and M had found more footage and even photos of Benji. This time, his face had been clearly seen, and people remembered him. And it was only a state over. From what Aroon and M could gather, Benji had made the circuit of the states, and had headed in the direction of my hometown.

Which, all of us already knew he wasn't here. I would've noticed him by then.

I walked down the sidewalk away from the doctor's office, happy to be free of the cast. I gently moved my wrist and hand, relishing the ability to turn it however I wanted, and not be trapped.

"Sam, is that you?"

Turning, I watched with apprehension as Gideon and Faye walked up to me. Faye had a neutral expression on her face for the first time, while Gideon had a friendly smile.

"Hey, thought it was you," he glanced back down the sidewalk. "Did you get your cast off?"

"Yup," I said proudly, holding my left hand up for him to see.

He nodded. "Cool. I'm glad you're doing better. I didn't just stop you to ask about that, though." He looked pointedly at Faye. "Well?"

I looked between them, confused. What were they planning?

Faye gave a put-upon sigh. "Fine. Sam, I sincerely apologize for every mean thing I have ever done to you and said to you, and I hope you can forgive me."

"Um..." I stared at her, shocked. "It's okay, Faye. Really, it was just Lucas that hurt me."

"Yeah, physically," Gideon muttered. Louder he added, "But we didn't help things. I knew what he was doing was wrong, and I still didn't stop him. Faye and I were both afraid to go against him publicly. I'm sorry, too, Sam. I should've done something to stop him."

"Really, I'm fine," I insisted, smiling at the two of them. "Lucas won't bother any of us again. That's what matters, right?"

Faye looked relieved. "Yes, it is. I actually am sorry, Sam. Lucas has a way of getting in your head and having you do what he wants, whether it's wrong or not. He had me convinced you weren't worth my time or attention," she shrugged awkwardly. "And I was stupid to keep the act up for years."

"It's okay. I forgive both of you," I told them sincerely.

Gideon frowned. "How can you forgive us so easily???"

I barked a laugh. "Oh, trust me, dude, I never said it was easy. It's true, you didn't do anything and you haven't done anything since Lucas dumped punch on me back in middle school and declared me a freak. By the way," I shifted my weight to the other leg, folding my arms for warmth. "I never did find out, why did he suddenly turn on me like that? I don't remember doing anything to him."

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