Chapter Two

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I glowered at Pete as we waited outside my apartment. "I don't see why I had to dress up for this. It's just a stupid apology dinner!"

Pete rolled his eyes, then looked at his phone screen. "They should've been here's five past."

"Maybe they're not coming after all," I mumbled, rolling my shoulders.

I was super uncomfortable. My favorite clothes were loose jeans and baggy t-shirts like Pete had pointed out over the phone an hour earlier. But Pete, moron that he is, dressed me up in slim black jeans, a black button up, and a black tie. I told him I wasn't emo, and he just made a face at me. At least I was able to wear a beanie -- even though it had to be black, too.


I wanted to strangle him.

I fiddled with my bangs, which were poking out a bit from under the beanie. My hair was styled like the K-pop star's, D.O. from EXO. I loved EXO so much. And BTS. And Shinee. And...well, you get the picture. I love K-pop boy bands.

Which is why I copied D.O.'s short hairstyle.

Except for the color. My hair was dyed a medium purple with dark violet tips.

"I don't know why you didn't tell them we'd meet them there," I sighed, hoping Pete felt guilty for this whole thing. "You know I can't ride in cars. Not after the accident."

Pete raised an eyebrow. "But it's been three years--"

"That doesn't matter! The accident was traumatic for me!" I shot back, glowering at him once again. Was Pete that stupid?? Phobias didn't just vanish overnight!

Pete looked away, shamefaced. "I'm sorry...I honestly thought you could handle it. Maybe we can walk to that small restaurant near the gas station?"

Shrugging was my only answer. How was I supposed to know? I couldn't read minds, and even if I could, they weren't there so I could read them. Hmph.

"They probably won't mind..." he raked a hand through his hair.

"Hey! Hands off your hair!" I exclaimed, yanking his hand down. "I watched you work on it for over an hour, you idiot! Are you trying to ruin your work??" Then I thought of something. "Wait a second...that restaurant? Bella's'?" I smirked. "Isn't that where Kayla works?"

Pete's ears turned red. He coughed. "U-um...maybe?"

"Is that an answer or a question?" I teased him.

He didn't have time to answer me as headlights illuminated us and the front of my apartment duplex. We both squinted into the glare, and I wondered if it as those two foreigners. It dawned on me all over again that it was so incredibly stupid, agreeing to go out to eat with people we'd never met before - all on the pretense of apologizing for grabbing me earlier.

I whirled and went to my door. "If that's them, tell them I changed my mind. You can go with them, and get a free meal."

"What?? Hey!" Pete grabbed at my arms, but I dodged him, shooting him a glower over my shoulder. "You can't leave me alone with them! What if they turn out to be weirdos?? Perverts??"

"Shoulda thought of that before agreeing to the dinner without even asking me!" I snapped.

He recoiled, hurt flickering through his eyes. "I said I was sorry. What do you want me to do, be rude and tell them to forget it?"

I growled wordlessly in frustration. "No! Just don't decide something for both of us without asking me if I'm okay with it next time!"

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