Chapter Five

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"It's so cold," M remarked, sneakily glancing at Aroon.

The other guy had been standing at Rhett's living room window for about an hour now, watching the snow blanket the world outside. He was as still as a statue.

"I'm used to the hot temperature of Thailand. This is the first time I've seen snow," M laughed lightly at himself. "Unlike you, my family's been wealthy for generations, but my father never let me leave the city because of my poor health during my childhood. So bringing me here was a real treat, my friend."

Still silence. Aroon didn't budge a muscle.

"Aroon? You still alive over there, or am I talking to a corpse?" M questioned flatly, frowning at the back of his friend's head. He sometimes disappeared deep into his mind and didn't leave until forced out. M stood up from the couch and walked up behind Aroon, smacking his shoulder. "Wake up!"

"Ow!" Aroon yelped, rubbing his shoulder and frowning at M. "What was that for??"

"You weren't listening to what..." M sighed. "Oh, never mind." He settled back on the couch. "What were you thinking about so intently?"

Aroon chewed at his lower lip, gazing at M with uncertainty.

"Did you do something to that boy?" M asked, disapproval coloring his tone.

"We talked about our parents."

M straightened in his seat, sharp eyes watching for any sign of distress on Aroon's face. The subject of his parents had only been broached once, back when they started working together, but Aroon had shut it down and they'd never spoken of it since.

"His died in a car accident when he was fifteen. He was with them," Aroon's eyes shone with sadness. "I told him about mine. And he put his hand in mine to comfort me."

"He did?" M blinked a few times. Was such a gesture that special?

"He didn't ask for me to comfort him, but he comforted me. He was so kind, so sweet about it. He even bought me a hot chocolate."

"Did the hot chocolate have a love potion in it?"

Aroon frowned at M's dry tone. "What are you getting at? Speak plainly, like you usually do."

"This whole time we've been in New Village, I've watched you basically make an idiot out of yourself," M looked pointedly at him. "I don't know what magic power that boy has over you, but you haven't been yourself since you've set eyes on him. Yes, he looks slightly similar to Benji, but they aren't doppelgangers of each other! Even Rhett is getting concerned with how obsessed you are over this boy."

"I'm not obsessed!"

"Obsessed, puppy love, it's all the same."

"Just because you haven't been in love--"

"Who's to say I haven't been in love? Can you read my mind? Do you know my every thought?"

"We've been friends since I moved to Bangkok! I should know my best friend by now!"

"I thought I knew you, but the Aroon I've seen in the last couple weeks is not my friend. He's a man acting like a high school boy experiencing his first love. Have you ever given a thought to Sam? How he feels about you trailing him everywhere?"

"He hasn't said anything."

"Of course not! Can't you tell??" M scoffed. Really, how blind and stupid could Aroon be?? "The poor kid has had to make it on his own for a while now. He most likely hasn't had time for relationships or anything of the sort. He probably doesn't realize why you're following him around town. But I can tell you," M waved a finger at him. "That friend of his? Pete? He's noticed, and I think he's told Sam. Both of them give us odd looks whenever they see us now!"

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