Chapter Seven

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I wore my new coat to work the next day, knowing Pete would drop by. Hiding a smile, I knew he'd notice it right away, and complain about not having bought one for me already. That, or he'd bring his gift for me. I patted the pocket of my coat, making sure I'd brought along Pete's gift. I'd gotten him a skull ring he'd wanted for ages, but never bought it because he thought his mom would freak out. But, since we were graduating this year, I figured he could hide for a few months before leaving for college, and he could wear it then.

It was only the day after Christmas, so the library was pretty much dead of people. In fact, the only ones manning the desk were Mrs. Stewart and myself. I sat on one of the chairs behind the front desk, slowly spinning in a circle for something to do. Mrs. Stewart was calmly and quietly reading an Amish romance novel. I snuck a peek at the title, nodding when I recognized the book as one I'd already read ages ago. Maybe she was reading it again? That was understandable. When you found a book that was that good, you kept reading it and rereading it, never wanting the story to end.

Then one of the doors opened, letting a small cold wind blow through. I shivered, glancing up at the doors. Pete shut the door behind himself, shaking his head free of the snow that had gotten stuck in his hair.

"Pete," I called quietly.

He lifted his head, smiling warmly at me. "Hey, Sam. I have your Christmas gift with me. Is it okay if I give it to you here?" he asked uncertainly, glancing at Mrs. Stewart.

She was too engrossed in her novel and didn't budge an inch.

I held a hand out, beckoning him closer. "It's fine. You're actually the first person in here today."

"Wow...never thought the library would ever be this quiet. Even on the twenty-sixth," Pete murmured, surprised at the lack of people.

"First time for everything."

"You can say that again."

As Pete placed the smallish box on my hand, I grabbed my gift for him off the desk and handed it to him. His brow furrowed at the small ring box. I hadn't wrapped it, since it was such a small box, anyway, and left it bare. His gift for me was forgotten on my lap as I watched him lift the lid of the box, a smile spreading across his face.

"Dude, you got me the ring I wanted!!" He exclaimed happily.

"Shhh!" I shushed him, nervously looking back at Mrs. Stewart. She calmly turned a page, still reading. "Dummy, not so loud in here," I chastised him with a small smile.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Sam, we're the only three in here. Honestly, what is the point of opening the library today??"

"Don't ask me. I don't set the schedule. I think the head librarian does."

"Heard back from lover boy yet?" Pete asked, smirking evilly as my face flushed hotly.

I glared at him. "Would you not call him that?? He's not my lover boy, and why would I tell you??"

"Best friends tell each other everything."

"Hypocrite. You didn't tell me when you decided to chase after Kayla Holmes," I shot back, folding my arms defensively.

He made a face. "One mistake. You ever gonna let that go?"

I merely lifted my chin, keeping eye contact with him.

"That's a 'no'," he sighed wearily, resting a hip against the desk. "And you say I'm a kid."

"You are a kid. You see something pretty or shiny, and want it."

"You make me sound like a raccoon!"

"Your eyes do look kinda black," I said as seriously as I could, struggling not to laugh at the way he immediately looked for a reflective surface. "Moron. I thought you were able to tell when I was lying?"

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