Chapter Eight

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It was the first day after winter break was over, and I'd just gotten back to my apartment. In my hands was an envelope that had me both excited and extremely nervous.

An express packet from Harvard.

If they were just saying 'no', wouldn't the envelope be smaller? They didn't need so much space just to say I didn't get in, right? My mind created images of evil men and women in the admissions office, writing a huge letter to tell me what a failure I was and how they'd never accept such a loser like me, laughing maniacally while they mailed it to me, knowing I'd see the huge packet and think it was an acceptance only to be depressed when it wasn't.

Sam, you're an idiot. Just open it!

Before I could screw up the courage to do so, a familiar, handsome hand plucked it out of my white knuckled grip and scanned the return address. "Harvard? I've heard of that university," Aroon sounded impressed. His eyes went to me. "Looks like an acceptance. Aren't you going to open it?"

I swallowed hard, nodding slightly. He gave it back to me, watching as I carefully peeled the back flap open, and slid out the letter - and a packet of information about the layout of the college, including financial aid information, etc. I stared at it, hands trembling from the realization I'd gotten into my number one choice.

"You made it," Aroon murmured, hugging me from the side to read it over my shoulder. "I'm proud of you. You must be very smart."

"No, I just worked really hard to get in. I'm not that smart at all," I laughed, playing down my acceptance. Compliments...ugh.

"I will get you used to being complimented, Sam. You deserve to be told how wonderful you are."

I felt his nose graze my ear, causing a shiver to go up my spine, my eyes closing automatically. His lips brushed over my cheek before moving down to the corner of my mouth, pausing there for a moment. Wondering what he was doing, I opened my eyes and turned my head towards him. He didn't give me a chance to ask, pressing his lips to mine in a short, but sweet kiss.

He pulled back, leaning his forehead against mine. "I'm very proud of you, Sam. I hope you know that."

"I-I know..." I averted my gaze shyly.

The moment was interrupted when the door to the apartment opened. Ryan came stomping in, slamming the door and going right past us to his room, slamming that door as well. Aroon and I watched him, bewildered at his actions.

"Ryan?" I called, slipping out of Aroon's hold to go check on my roommate. I knocked gently on his door. "Are you okay?"

"Sam, now's not a good time. Give me a couple hours, please. I need to calm down." His voice was controlled for the most part, but I heard the last couple words waver, as if he was on the brink of tears.

I didn't want to leave him alone while he was upset, but I also couldn't go against his wishes. "Okay. Just know I'm here for you remember?"

"I know. Thanks, Sam."

Aroon was sitting on the couch when I came back, flipping through an old magazine. He looked up at me, smiling, and patted the seat next to him. Shaking my head though smiling, I settled next to him. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I let out a tired sigh. He didn't ask me why I was sighing, just draped an arm around my shoulders, hugging me close. I liked that about him. He didn't pry or nag, was just there for me however I needed it.

His phone buzzed, interrupting my sulky thoughts, and he swiped the screen to see the message. He frowned at his phone, texting back to whoever it was with one hand. Pressing send, he turned the screen back off and set the phone down.

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