Chapter Eleven

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I placed my earbuds in my ears, scrolling through my songs until I found the one I was looking for: Move Along by All American Rejects. It blared in my ears, drowning out all other sounds, and I wheeled the library cart along the shelves until reaching the last one.

It was my last week working at the library.

Instead of working up until I left for college, I was quitting now that finals were only a month away. I hummed quietly along with the song, as I shelved books, studiously ignoring the three shadows I had following me. Well, one was following me. The other two were following him and watching, entertained that I had Aroon so neatly wrapped around my little finger.

"Sam," he whispered, startling me.

I whirled, nearly beaning him with a copy of Pride And Prejudice. "Are you insane???" I hissed, glancing around to make sure the librarians up front didn't see us. I was working with Mr. Thomas and Miss Reynolds. Neither one was pleasurable to work with, and that was on a good day. "I told you, you can't talk to me today! Do you want me to get in trouble??"

"But it's your birthday," he practically whined. "I wanted to take you out."

"Later, after I'm off work," I sighed. I needed this extra shift, since I was done after the week was over.

"I could help you out with your college expenses," he suggested, for the...what, hundredth time?

I glowered at him wordlessly. Really, did he think I was some sugar baby or something?? That wasn't my thing. I didn't look down on girls and boys who lived that kind of life, but it just wasn't for me. No, thank you.

He held his hands up in surrender. "We'll be at one of the tables waiting, okay?" He gave me a loving smile and walked away.

M and Benji followed him, snickering quietly. I heard one of them whisper, "Whipped." Aroon just shook his head, not responding.

Good choice, I thought. Those two could be vicious with their teasing.

It didn't take me long to finish up my shift, since it was only for four hours. I signed out, not meeting the disapproving gazes of my co-workers. Really, what business was it of theirs what I did in my time off? They already knew I was into guys, thanks to Pete's fat mouth two years ago. So what was their problem now?

"I see you found yourself a boyfriend to take care of you," Mr. Thomas said blandly, one side of his mouth drawn up in a sneer.

I sighed. This was so old. "Look, I know you don't like me. But this is my last week. Can't you just leave me alone? Or are you gonna put me in the hospital, just like Lucas Graves did?"

They actually winced at that. I grabbed my coat and left, disgusted with their attitude. Every time I worked with them, they'd always talk about the sin of being homosexual.

Well, guess what? I was a demiboy. I had the body of a girl. So technically, I wasn't 'living in sin', if they wanted to look for excuses to make themselves feel better about the situation.

Screw you guys.

I was sick and tired of being attacked by self-righteous people who had nothing better to do than look down their noses at people like me. Honestly, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. What made them any better than me? Yet no matter what I said, no matter how I defended myself, it all seemed to fall on deaf ears.

It wasn't like I was trying to convert them. I wasn't doing anything to them. But they acted as if the very air I breathed was tainted. It was funny, since I knew for a fact Miss Reynolds was having an affair with Carl Meyers down the street, who was married to a sweet woman. I'd seen her exiting his house many times late at night, hair a mess and clothes rumpled. He didn't look much better, walking her to her car, with lipstick on his neck.

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