Chapter Fifteen

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Sitting in a barber's chair while people messed with my hair and face was not my idea of fun. Not at all. Still, I wasn't going to say anything since everything I went through confirmed the fact that I had a job. Albeit most likely temporary, but still a job. I'd probably make enough to get an apartment - ooo, I wanted one like the guys did in SOTUS - and some groceries for a week before I had to look for another one. Just a guess, to me.

They loved my white blonde hair, but it didn't match the description of what this Sunan guy was supposed to look like, so they were currently dyeing my hair a deep burgundy. I didn't mind it, since the color was on my list of colors to try, anyhoo. Maybe I could do plain black someday?

I squeezed my eyes shut when I saw a makeup brush coming at my face, not wanting the powder to get into my eyes. They brushed, rubbed, and patted at my face for what felt like forever. Finally, after a million years of sitting in a chair doing nothing, I was allowed to get up and walk around to stretch my legs. Then I had to get back in the chair, since they still weren't done.

I wanted to cry. Or scream. Either would've worked. Anything to get my frustration out and let them know how aggravated I was that they wouldn't STOP TOUCHING ME.

"Shoo! Shoo!" came Kai's voice. The hands disappeared from my face and head. "Open your eyes, Sam. Or, should I say, Long Mingyu."

The name had yet to grow on me, and it was all I could do to not roll my eyes in disgust when I opened them. Then stared in the mirror. There was no way that guy staring back was me...right??

"What do you think?" Kai asked, leaning over to peer in the mirror and smile encouragingly at me.

The guy in the mirror followed my movements when I turned my head head this way and that, looking at every angle I could. My hair was a gorgeous, dark burgundy that made the brown flecks in my eyes pop and have a reddish gleam to them. The makeup artists had somehow flattened my nose a bit to make it more Asian, and made my eyes look mono lidded. Really disconcerting at first. But then I noticed the little bits that were still me: the freckles that refused to be hidden, the end of my nose was still higher than an Asian guy's would be, and my lips were a light pink, not tannish pink.

I nodded slowly. "I look different, yet I'm still me."

Kai beamed. "I'm glad you're okay with it. This is what the makeup artists will do everyday we have a shoot, unless you'd rather..." he trailed off, frowning while he thought.

"Rather what?" I prompted, turning to look at him.

"'re willing to get plastic surgery?" he questioned, not sounding very confident of my answer.

To be honest, I'd already thought of it. I mean, who hasn't? Everybody has something about their face and body they don't like and want to fix it. For me, my face is boring and average. I'd never thought of myself as special. But here this guy was telling me that a little tweak here and there would make me look more like my Taiwanese ancestor.

"Can I think about it?" I asked hesitantly, biting my lower lip in diffidence.

"Of course! Take your time. It's no trouble doing your makeup, Sam," he chuckled, patting my shoulder while straightening up. "I mean, Ming." He winked at me before exiting the room.

Ming...that was my name now. I'd have to get used to it.

I studied myself in the mirror again, wondering if the plastic surgery would be worth it. Would God be against it?

"Are you seriously thinking about plastic surgery?"

Grimacing, I turned to answer Nai. "I don't know...I have to study my Bible and pray about it first. Christians aren't supposed to harm their bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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