new school, new me (1)

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     It was my first day of school at PK academy, everyone staring, and crowding up around me, all because i was the new kid. There were a bunch of different people asking me a bunch of different questions like, 'where are you from?' 'what's your name?' and 'why are you transferring in the middle of the school year?'. Just hang tight me... it won't last long. Sometimes crowds can be a little overbearing, once i even got strangled by someone in a large crowd. You'd think that i would be nothing special, because i'm a transfer student, but no, the writers had to give me trauma from big crowds. I wish i could be just a little bit inconspicuous, like that dude with the pink hair over there. Well at least he doesn't crowd around me like the rest. That's one person to put onto the future friends list. 
     Suddenly the bell rang, and the teacher walked into the class, and made me wait outside. What's the point? i mean they all already know what i look like already. Our teacher made the whole 'new student, be nice' speech, and it was finally time for me to walk in. Upon walking in, i was pushed to the side by an overly shinny girl, who was apparently late for class. I swear, i get slapped around by random people too often...

"i'm so sorry i'm late! i hope no one minds and, oh! i'm so sorry, let me help you up!" the same shinny girl said in the most squeaky voice ever. i gave her a huge warm smile, and got up myself, rejecting her hand. She smiled back and walked to her seat. We both may have seemed very friendly to each other just now, but she just started a war, that i'm pretty sure she knows exists.
     I wrote my name on the chalkboard, and turned back to the class with the same smile plastered on my face. 

"Hello. My name is L/n Y/n, and i hope we can all be friends." i said. Everyone in the class seemed to buy it, and all was peaceful. 
      Oh don't get me wrong though. I'm not one of those two faced egoists, it's just a game i like to play. It's  kind of fun to feel like you're living in someone else's shoes for a while, since life is boring like that. the game goes like this: my friends from the school i'm moving away from, help me choose a new personality for me to act out as, for the next school. When the game starts, i have to try my best to never crack character at all, for the whole time period that i'm at the school. right now, i'm posing as a total goody two shoes, who doesn't even know the difference between two nonidentical twins. Curse you F/n(friend's name). 
The teacher nodded, and i went to an empty seat next to some scary lookin' dude. The first step to leading a successful school life, is to make friends with any potential enemies, and/or the top dog.

"hey, wanna go get ramen after school with me?" I asked him, hoping that he wouldn't chew me up and spit me out. He turned to me, and i swear, i almost peed myself. -that is until i heard his response. 

"yeah sure! i was just about to ask you the same thing. Oh, would it be okay if i invited my buddies?" he asked, in a rather cheery tune, that was way opposite from his face and looks. I was honestly a bit surprised by his friendly and approachable personality. 

"yeah! i don't have a problem with that, the more the merrier. i'm Y/n, what's your name?" i asked, giving the same smile from the beginning of class.

"The name's Nendo! i'm bringing my two little buddies, Saiki, and Kaido!" he said, pointing at the guy i noticed earlier, and some other dude. I nodded. At this point, the Teacher was really close to calling on us both for talking, so i made sure not to carry the conversation any further.
     School was really... interesting that day. People kept asking me more and more questions, and the questions were getting more and more... weird by the minute. I was asked all kinds of questions like whether i'm with some group called 'the dark reunion'. That one specifically was from the other buddy Nendo was bringing. He may have been a little weird, but i like his blue hair. After i told him i had zero clue what he was talking about, he proceeded to tell me all about 'the dark reunion' and some dude named 'jet black wings'. Whoever named that dude was probably drunk at the time.

"...and i have a really powerful superpower, contained in my left arm. Though i keep it suppressed with these bandages." he explained. Through all of this i didn't even learn his name.

"woah! that's awesome! my name's Y/n as you saw earlier in the beginning of school, what's your name?" i asked him, hoping that i didn't sound sarcastic just now.

"it's jet black wings, remember? but i guess you could call me Kaido." he answered, with a prideful look on his face. Oh so he's jet black wings? i'm a little confused right now, but nodding and agreeing should do the trick.

...yeah, i learned that was a bad decision a few days later, but let's focus on the present. 

words: 913

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