not safe yet (8)

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     after a peaceful cleaning, i settled down on the couch in the living room. Yuuta was still washing the dishes, and i haven't checked on him since i taught him how to wash the dishes. I just don't want to check on him right now, because i'm tired. I thinki i took a 10 minute nap before i was woken up by Yuuta.

"what is it Yuuta?" i mumbled, keeping my eyes closed. Yuuta sniffled.

"remember when you told me to wash the dishes?" 

"mhm." I hummed. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying but I managed to get some bits and peaces of what he told me. (and a bunch of sniffling.

"i dropped a cup on the floor and it got dirty." Yuuta told me.

"Then just clean it again. Are you sick or something?" I asked, opening one eye.

"and it also..." Yuuta trailed off, looking over to the side. i noticed his teary-eyed expression, and sat up.

"you... what?" i asked him.

"i dropped a cup on the floor and it got dirty and it got cracked!" Yuuta shouted. I didn't give it another thought, and ran into the kitchen with Yuuta following me, to see a shattered glass cup on the floor. I looked back at Yuuta and checked on him, asking him if he stepped on any of the shards.

"Did it fall on your foot?! i didn't even notice your foot was bleeding!" i shouted, sitting him down on the floor, to take a look at his foot. i examined his foot, and noticed the tiny glass shards in it. i tried to pull it out, but it was no use, my fingers were too big.

"ow! Y/n that hurts a lot!" he cried.

"i-i'm sorry Yuuta... we're going to have to do surgery on your foot, so stay calm." i know i just exaggerated the whole thing, but at least i'll be able to keep him calm with this...

"what do you mean?! isn't that going to hurt me more?!" Yuuta shouted.

"it won't because i'll give you a special medicine, it'll help you to not feel anything. if you still feel something, then that means that i need to take you to the hospital, and they won't use the medicine!" i said. I looked to see if Yuuta was shaken up by what i just said, and it looked like it worked.

What? I wasn't about to give my five year old younger brother weed or something! I only meant to scare him. He'll be so scared that i might take him to the hospital, he'll pretend not to feel anything, and try to stay calm. I told him to sit on the couch, and wait, as i went to go and grab the tweezers, and some vitamin gummies. 

"here, eat this, it's the medicine i was talking about earlier." I said, handing him the vitamin gummy. Yuuta quickly popped the thing in his mouth, and almost chocked, because he didn't bother to chew the gummy. With that, i started plucking out the glass from his foot. When i finished, he had tears streaming down his face, and he looked like he was about to start sobbing any minute now. I quickly bandaged his foot tightly, and gave him a big hug. After a moment i pulled away and stood up

"You okay Yuuta?" I asked, taking the shards and throwing them away. Yuuta looked at me with a slightly happier face, and nodded yes. I blew a sigh of relief knowing he was okay now, and walked over to the closet to grab the broom and start sweeping up the glass in the kitchen. When i finished, i went back to check on him, and asked if there was anything i could do.

"do you want something to eat? Some water, or juice?" I asked worriedly.

"can you get me cyborg cider man number two? He's nice to me." Yuuta replied, with puppy eyes.

"Yeah sure, i think cyborg cider man is playing right now. Let me find the channel-"

"No i want the real life cyborg cider man number two! he lives across the street from us!" Yuuta cut in. I went over to the window by the door to look at the house across from us.

"What do you mean...? That's not where cyborg cider man lives, that's where..." oh my god... does Yuuta know that Saiki has powers? what the heck... how did he figure it out before me?! I'm the older sibling! Well no matter! i bet Yuuta only thinks that Saiki is Cyborg cider man number two, and doesn't actually know that Saiki's a Psychic. Haha Saiki's a psychic, Saiki's a psychic, Saiki's a psychic, that's kinda fun to say. 

"Oh and also can you get me Peached T-girl? She's nice to me too!" Yuuta shouted from the couch.

"Mind telling me who Peached T-girl is, and where i can find her?" I asked from the window. 

"Usually she likes to hang out with Cyborg cider man number two. i think they like each other~" Yuuta said, dragging out the 'er' in other.

"What?! What do you mean they like each other?! And who taught you what that means?!" i yelled, sprinting back to Yuuta in the living room. 

"why do you care? It's not like he'll like a boring hag like you anyways!" Yuuta teased. And here i am, getting teased by a fricken 5 year old. This is what my life has come to these days.

"Hey, i'm not even in my twenties yet! Just because i'm older than you, doesn't mean i'm old in general! And when did i say i liked Saiki?!" I shouted again.

"Yeah, well- i don't have a clue what you just said, but Cyborg cider man number two, and Peached T-girl like each other a lot! So much, that Cyborg cider man number two will only like Peached T-girl! Not you!" Yuuta shouted back.

"After all we've been through! After all i've done for you! You still treat me like a piece of trash on the sidewalk, Yuuta you brat! You're not getting Cyborg cider man, or Peached T-girl anymore!" i yelled. Then Yuuta began to cry. 

"n-no no i'm sorry Yuuta, i didn't mean it!" i comforted.

"i want Peached T-girl, she's nice to me all the time! bring me to Peached T-girl!" Yuuta sobbed. Well. I have no choice but to comply or he won't stop crying... 

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