indebted (4)

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     Everyone began eating again, like nothing ever happened, well except for our table that is. It seems i'm the only one in the know, because all Nendou and Kaidou were concerned about was Saiki. His eyes were still fixated on me. 

     "what... the hell is wrong with you?" His voice boomed in my head. Though he wasn't using an angry tone, the voice was still really loud. I think i stumbled a little after he did that.

     Have you ever heard something so loud, that it started making your head hurt, and your ears start to ring? Well that's exactly how it felt to have this sicko yelling at me in my head. It still hasn't been confirmed that he's got super powers or something, but seeing as after i thought of the word 'sicko' his expression got angrier, i think i should definitely take that thought into consideration. 

      Saiki continued to walk towards me, and i kept backing away. At this point, everyone was looking at me and Saiki, which is something i would rather not happen, but since i absolutely had to take a bite of his coffee jelly, here we are. Nendou and Kaidou tried to talk him out of whatever he was about to do, but Saiki kept going.

     "Saiki! Don't hurt them, i still need them to defeat the dark reunion with me!" Kaidou cried.

     "yeah! And the food didn't get here yet, so we'd be wasting food!" Nendou added. Again, Saiki wouldn't listen, and i was already backed up against the bathroom door.

     "I-i'm sorry for eating a bit of your coffee jelly, i didn't think you would mind! Please don't hurt me!" i pleaded in the most goody two shoes voice ever. You'd think i would break character by now, but i'm really committed to this little game i play, and i'm not about to break my streak now.

     "what do you mean you thought i wouldn't mind? we just met." he spat, now using an angry tone in his voice. This time, using his voice. Wow. First time I've seen him actually open his mouth and use his voice to talk.

     "I-i'm really sorry! I'll get you another one if you want, my treat!" I cried. He seemed to like this idea and a little life returned to his eyes. 

     "Fine. Don't think i'll be any less aloof with you, you voice alone irritates me now." he said coldly, walking back to our table. Nendou and Kaidou asked me if i was okay, before we walked back, following Saiki.

     "Are you okay Y/n? He didn't hurt you at all right? because if he did, i'll have to unleash the power of jet black wings upon his frail soul!" Kaidou shouted.

     "I'm alright jet black wings, he didn't do anything." I said with an embarrassed smile.

     "well that's a relief, I didn't think Saiki would get that mad about coffee jelly. Nendou said. "I'm getting hungry, and I think I see the server at our table already. Last one there is a rotten a egg!"

     "aha! i'll take you up on the challenge, but don't be surprised if i win, with my tremendous training and power!" Kaidou shouted, pointing forward at nothing in particular. he didn't notice yet, but Nendou had already started running.

     "Hey, no fair! you got a head start!" Kaidou shouted, running after him. Believe it or not, we were actually pretty far from the table, because Saiki chased me slowly, but very far. Our table was on the other side of this huge restaurant, and it took a few minutes to get back.

     "Wait up you two! You shouldn't run in a restaurant, you're both grown!" I shouted at them. They didn't seem to hear me though. I fast walked after them, not wanting to be a hypocrite, because i pretty much yelled that so the whole restaurant could hear.

     When we got back, I sat down, out of breath even though I was only fast walking. Saiki still wouldn't even look at me, but at least we're both still sitting at the same table. Now normally, I wouldn't care if someone hated me or not, but in this case, I was supposed to be your average anime protagonist, so I had to make sure that I was on good terms with everyone. Maybe if he likes coffee jelly that much, I could give him one of the coffee jellies that my mom makes everyday. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind.

     "So, Saiki... you like coffee jelly a lot huh?" I said, trying to start up some small talk to liven up the room. 

    "Yes." He replied, as he continued to wait for his second coffee jelly to arrive. 

     "is that your favorite food? if so, mines is F/f(favorite food)!" i said cheerfully. Saiki was silent for a moment. Well sheesh. I know he said he was going to be aloof towards me, but i didn't think it would be this bad...

     "...Yes." He repeated. I don't want to admit, but this is kind of getting on my nerves. I mean sure, i don't want to talk to him either, but at least i'm putting effort into our conversation. 

     "Well mines is strawberry shortcake!" Kaidou said, with a mouth full of food.

     "oh that's cool! I think that would come in a close second for my favorite dessert. What about you Nendou?"

"oh me? Well I guess my favorite dessert would be the crepes me and my mom make together. Since she's always at work trying to provide for me, I feel like that's the only time we get to see each other. It's actually been a long time since we've made crepes, and I don't think we'll get to do it again anytime soon, because my mom's been working two jobs for me. Thinking back, she actually does everything for me, from laundry to food. I guess that's just how it is when you're a singe mom. I should get a part time job too."

"Nendou, your mom's a saint. I think we can all agree on that." even though we didn't ask for it, the speech was beautiful, and i want to meet his mom some day. 

...but not in that way!

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now