Cyborg cider man number two (10)

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      Now that we've got Miss Peached t-girl, all we need to do is find Cyborg cider man number two, also known as Mr. loverman, also known as Saiki. Pfft- i'm hilarious. In the two days i've known him, he's most likely an introvert, who would rather spend his weekend in the house, watching tv or reading a book. At least that's what i think introverts like to do over the weekend. You'd think i would know because i'm an ambivert.

After Peached t-girl(i'm still going to call her that because it's kind of her name now) agreed to come with us, we started walking back home. It wasn't really one of those quiet, awkward walks, because Yuuta kept talking about his Cyborg cider man stuff, while i, the grown teenager, who's also probably the same age as Peached t-girl, is getting left out of the conversation. well it's not really a full conversation that they're having, cause' basically all Miss Peached t- girl is doing, is nod and smile as if Yuuta's the press. I bet she doesn't even know what he's talking about!

"So do you want to come with us to get Saiki, or do you want to wait at our house? cause' Saiki's just across the street from us." I asked, as we walked along the sidewalk of the neighborhood next to me and Yuuta's. Peached t-girl thought about it for a second- no a minute. she thought about it for a minute. Seriously, it's not like this is the most important choice in your life, that will off set a chain of events that could, or could not go her way. Yeah definitely not.

"I think i'll stay behind, I can watch Yuuta while you go and get Saiki!" Peached t-girl answered finally. Welp. We're here, and now i have to get Mr. Grumpy Loverman. Well i can't say that i'm excited, but then again, i can't say that i'm not. 

"Oh okay! I promise not to take long, so you won't get bored with Yuuta. I said in a cheery voice. My streak may have been broken by Saiki, but it's never too soon to start again! "Oh and,  we're here. here's the keys, you can make yourself at home, while i go and get Saiki." i added, tossing Yuuta the keys, and turning around to face Saiki's house.

"now for the hard part..." i mumbled to myself, looking at the plain house with a determined face. I walked over to the house across the street, feeling less confident in myself with each step, but that didn't stop me. If i didn't get Yuuta his 'Cyborg cider man number two', he'd never let me hear the end of it. I walked onto the doorsteps, a little hesitant to ring the doorbell, but i did it anyways. The fact that Yuuta will whine and Complain about everything i do for him if i Don't get 'Cyborg cider man number two', is literally the only thing keeping me from walking away from the house, and forgetting about this whole thing, because either way there's a 0.00001 percent chance of him complying. 

      For a moment, the world was silent, and it felt like my fate relied on whether someone answered the door or not. Finally, the door opened, and a nice looking lady appeared behind it, with a warm smile on her face.

"Hello! And who might you be?" the lady asked.

"erm... is this the Saiki residence? I live across the street from you, and I'm here because i need to ask a favor from... your son?"

"Oh Kusuo? Ku, one of your friends are here!" the lady called to her son, Kusuo, who was probably in the living room. I'm guessing i actually have the right house? I don't think Saiki is a common last name. So that's Saiki's first name.

"Here here, come in! Make yourself at home!" haha, funny, because i was saying the same thing Mrs. Saiki is saying to me, to Miss Peached t-girl, just a few minutes ago. Mrs. Saiki let me inside, and sat me down on the counter. This house was styled just like my house, so it was kind of like i was at home. 

"I'm not coming to your house." Saiki said, making me jump a little.

why not?

"because Yuuta is annoying, and Teruhashi is self absorbed."

Yuuta told me you both liked each other! And don't call my brother that, Only i can call him that!

"You're being hypocritical."

Why won't you come and comfort a five year old child, who just got hurt severely?! He looks up to you. And why didn't you mention me being annoying as well? Awww am i un-annoying to you?

"It's simple, he's an annoyance. I told you that already. And you're not some special person to me, it's just not worth mentioning you."

You really are heartless. Peached t-girl is not self absorbed, she's a very nice person!

"You don't know what she actually thinks of you. But lucky for you, i can grant you that knowledge."

Wow. now i have magical powers that i didn't even ask for. yippee. 

"you grumble about everything."

sigh... this is getting no where. Maybe...

hey if i give you another coffee jelly, will you come?

"it's not worth it to only get one coffee jelly, and having to deal with two annoyances at once."

fine! then how about one coffee jelly a day?! Is that better for you, does that satisfy you o superior one?!

"Yes. Actually it does." Instantly, Saiki teleported me and him to the front door of my house.

then does this mean that all i have to do to get you to do something, is offer some coffee jelly?

"i'm not telling you the answer to that question

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now