Peached T-girl (9)

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     It took some courage(and stamina),  but here i was, standing in the middle of a busy square, looking for some girl i don't even know the real name of, (nor appearance!)with Yuuta on my shoulders, struggling to keep standing. The things i do for this kid. It got dark pretty fast after i finished cleaning up Yuuta's foot, so we had to wait a full afternoon and night to go out and find her. Yes indeed, the things i do for this kid. 

How the heck did i get here? Oh right. I made Yuuta wash the dishes for me, and now i'm paying for it, by having to carry him around on my poor shoulders, because he dropped a glass cup on his foot, and now he can't walk. What a drag. That will be my new personal catch phrase. Shikamaru i'm coming for your brand.

"so what does this 'Peached t-girl look like anyway? And what's her real name?"

"Peached t-girl is really pretty, She even glows! She always has a lot of boys following her, the boys that follow her drool a lot. And what do you mean what's her real name? Peached t-girl is her real name." Yuuta replied. 

"Ah never mind. I don't even know why i bothered to ask you." 

"don't be mean Y/n! I'll start crying again, and someone is going to take me away from you Geezer!" Yuuta yelled in my ears.

"How do you even know what that word means anyways?!" I yelled back. Someone! Anyone! get this brat off my shoulders so i can leave him in the super market in front of us! 

"Look! I think I found her! I found Peached T-girl!" Yuuta shouted once again, pointing to the side. When i turned to see what he was looking at, i was met with the famous so called Peached T-girl. The description Yuuta gave was exactly right. I thought he was just exaggerating everything, but as it turns out, this girl really does glow with beauty so much that guys are immediately hypnotized into following her with their mouths wide open, and drool dripping out.

"Take me to her Y/n!" Yuuta shouted, pulling my hair in her direction.

"stop pulling my hair you dang brat!" i yelled, walking towards 'Peached t-girl'. It was really hard to get through all the guys, none of them even acknowledged me. I now declare myself a ninja, because dodging the drool was all the test i needed, to become a full ninja. i felt like i was playing meteor dodge! Again, the things i do for this kid.

"Peached t-girl!" Yuuta shouted, jumping into the girl's arms. 

"wow- uh... kid what are you doing here?" the girl asked hesitantly. Seriously? I walk all the way hear, carrying a 50 pound 5 year old on my shoulders, pushed through a bunch of randos, dodging some spit along the way, and she doesn't even know his name?! What the heck?!

"Do you remember me? My name is Yuuta, I was with Cyborg cider man number two when we met! I was wearing the same clothes as right now!" Yuuta said excitedly.

"Oh now i remember you! Hey Yuuta, long time no see! Oh who's this? your parent?" The girl asked with a nervous smile, that made half the guys around us faint. I feel personally attacked now. Sure Yuuta calls me a hag all the time, but i didn't think  that what he called me was actually him just telling the truth... do i really look that old?

"No, that's my sibling!" Yuuta said.

"Oh! i'm so sorry for thinking you were his mom! What was i thinking? the girl said with a pout, that made the other half of the guys faint. Well this is actually a little convenient, because now i don't have to dodge balls of spit. "i'm Teruhashi, what's your name?"

"That's funny, Yuuta has this whole nickname and everything for you, Miss Peached T-girl. My name is L/n, pleasure to meet you." You know, on second thought this girl isn't so bad after all. So far, she seems like a pretty nice, and honest girl. I'm happy for Saiki, and I hope they last long!

"Oh so still he calls me Peached T-girl? What a cutie!" Teruhashi said, pinching Yuuta's cheeks. He didn't seem to mind though, he'd always mind when i pinched his cheeks! What's up with that?!

"Yuuta had me running around all over the place, trying to find this 'Peached t-girl'! You see, earlier yesterday, Yuuta dropped a glass cup on his foot, and i had to pluck every piece out. It hurt a lot for him, so i asked him if there was anything he wanted to do, so he asked me to find some people named 'Peached t-girl', and Cyborg cider man number two, so here we are, asking if you'd like to come over to our house and have a little play-date for Yuuta." i explained. That took longer than i expected to explain.

"i'm sorry, i'm awfully busy today, and i need to run a bunch of errands for my family. I wish i could Yuuta!" Teruhashi said, frowning at the ground.

"Oh well... i guess Saiki would be enough for Yuuta." I replied, about to walk away.

"w-wait! Saiki's going to be there?" Teruhashi called. I turned back to her and nodded.

"I thought you would know that Yuuta calls Saiki 'Cyborg cider man number two', because he gave you a nickname like that too." I explained.

"Oh well it's been a long time, so i guess i kind of forgot about it. But anyways! I think i should be able to free up some time in my schedule for a play-date with Yuuta! Don't want to upset an injured child, that would be heartless of me!" Teruhashi said, with a warm smile. What??? Is she bipolar or something??? I feel unsafe around this suspicious person... i also definitely don't want Yuuta hanging out with her, but i guess it's like Teruhashi said, 'Don't want to upset an injured child, that would be heartless of me.'

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