"trip to the grocery store"(11)

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"so..." I started. 

'oh i get it, they're so stunned by my beauty, that they can't say anything! That's why it's been really awkward! Even though Saiki still isn't saying wow, it feels nice to have at least one person in awe at my beauty.' Teruhashi thought in her head. this has been going on for the past few minutes, and i'm getting fed up with her self-absorbed  thoughts. She's been droning on about how beautiful, kind, and perfect she is. Though i've dealt with this kind of person before, it still annoys me to be in the presence of a wannabe mary-sue. 

Hmmm... maybe i can test how committed she is to this act, because she can't possibly be more committed than me, i mean seriously, i've been doing this for seven years straight. seven years, eighty four months, three hundred, sixty-four weeks, two thousand, five hundred fifty-five days. And technically Saiki didn't break my streak because he could read my mind!

"Does anyone want some desert? i know it's still the middle of the day, but why not?" I asked. 

"oh sure, that would be great! My stomach's been growling for forever!" Peached t-girl said in the most high pitched voice ever. It's not like i'm against high pitched voices, or i  judge based on your voice, or anything though. I'm pretty sure i could make a high-pitched girl voice too.  

I walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer. I then proceeded to pretend to look for some deserts, and came back. 

"Well we don't have deserts. We could get some deserts at the grocery store, but someone would have to stay back with Yuuta, because he often gets lost there. I'll know my way around best, because... well i'm used to it. So who wants to stay with Yuuta-"

"I'll go with you." 

"Okay! Teruhashi, you think you could watch Yuuta for a little more?" I asked. Though she was actually scolding herself mentally for not saying anything, so that she could get some alone time with Saiki, she still agreed to watch Yuuta while we were gone. Welp, snooze ya loose, miss Peached t-girl!

"Yeah sure! i'll watch this little angel right here, i'm sure he won't cause an trouble, right little guy?" Peached t-girl asked Yuuta. Yuuta didn't respond, which made her mentally worry. Am i a bad person for thinking it was hilarious?

"Well we'll be off now! oh an Yuuta, before we go,
I walked over to Yuuta, who was still laying down on the couch. 

"Peached t-girl here, told me she likes to give piggy back rides, so you can have as much as you want from her got it? Don't break anything though, or you both might hurt yourselves okay?" Yuuta smiled widely with his eyes closed.

"okay!" Yuuta said, giving me a thumbs up. Hehe~ my plan is in motion! Yuuta will chase off Peached t-girl faster than she can say no to more piggy back rides, and then there will be peace on earth again!

"we'll be back in about an hour or so, so please don't worry, because i have a lot more stuff to get from the grocery store too! i hope you don't mind!" 

"oh no, not at all! take your time!" Peached t-girl said with a warm smile. I gave her a thumbs up, and we were off to the grocery store. What? i actually needed to buy stuff from the grocery store, and it would look suspicious if we came back empty handed!

Well Saiki. I have to do the groceries and you're coming with me! 

"what a pain."

Aww don't be so pessimistic! I'm sure we'll have somewhat some fun!

"we're going to get groceries. I could do that all in a second, then you could let me be, until after an hour."

well if i don't participate in any work, my mom's going to find out one way or another that i let someone else to my work, and then went off to go and party or something while i let someone else watch Yuuta, she's got eyes everywhere. it'd even be better if i just did everything myself! Plus, i can't trust that you're not just going to run away like i know you will!

"fair enough."

We walked down the street silently. The walk to the grocery store was long, and the thought of having to walk back home carrying the groceries, was slowly drilling a hole in my throat. All... those.. groceries... Maybe Saiki's got super strength or something that could help us.

"Saiki, can't you just teleport us there?" I whined out loud. Even though it's only been a few minutes,  it feels like we've been walking for hours. I don't like running, and i definitely don't like walking either. 

"no, you said you wanted to do everything yourself, so i'm just letting you have your way."

to be fair, i never actually said that i wanted to do everything myself! I even thought to myself that maybe you could use one of your super powers or something, because i can't carry anything over probably 50 pounds. You should know, you can read my thoughts!

"again, i'm only letting you have your way."

well at least you're being nice enough to supposedly 'let me have my way'. some people can just be straight up jerks sometimes.

"wow. who hurt you?"

oh it's nothing. i was 6, shit happened, and someone ended up leaving without fulfilling a promise, that said person made to me. 

"i'm probably not the right person to talk to about this. You should talk to Nendo or Kaido instead."

well it all started when my dad asked me if i wanted to go to America, and go to the famous Disney Land they have in California. I never really knew what was going on, but as i got older, i started noticing what my dad was doing. Now i won't call him an entire douche, because he's my dad and all, so we'll call him a half douche. 

The half douche was sleepin' with multiple different women, and each time i think about it, i kick myself, for not noticing. I'm sure mom did the same when they finally got divorced when i was 8. I just transferred here because i couldn't take anymore of his unfaithfulness to his new wife, so i guess you could say that i set fire to their relationship, and walked back to mom with an epic explosion happening behind me.

"Well you could talk to me about this i guess, but i can't promise i'll give you any feedback."

Well i wasn't expecting you to give me feedback or something, sometimes people just want you to stand there, and listen, accepting whatever they have to say, and move on as if nothing ever happened.

"i see."

well, we've just gotten to the part where we move on and we both forget i ever said anything. we've also just gotten to the grocery store, and i have a long list of things to grab. C'mon Saiki.

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ