it's not like that, but it is(15)

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     After the break, i finally decided to just put my head up. the teacher would probably continue calling on me, and it wasn't like i had anything to lose from showing him my face.

It turns out this dude is a perv for all beings. I showed him my face, and he still couldn't tell whether i was a guy or a girl or something else, but he still hit on me.

"you look like sexy motorcycle. vroom vroom!~" what kind of pickup line is that? he just called me a sexy motorcycle, and i don't know whether to be offended or not, because that's neither an insult, nor a compliment. He confuses me just as much as my gender confuses him.

"erm... thanks... i guess." i replied.  

     When class ended, i ran over to Kaidou and hid behind him. 

"Kaidou! he's from the dark reunion, Help me please!" i whispered-yelled to him, pointing at Toritsuka, who was still trying to get his things.

"what?! stay behind me! you haven't gone over your training, so i'll have to protect you until we have enough time to undergo your training!" he shouted, gaining Toritsuka's attenion.

"oh hey again Kaidou! HEy dude, i saw them first!" Toritsuka said, pointing at me.

"i won't let you have my side-kick you fowl being of the dark reunion!" Kaidou shouted pointing back at him. 

Hello? Kusuo if you can hear me, and i know you do, get me out of this situation!


Don't ignore me! i know you can hear my thoughts dang it Kusuo! 
wha- Hey! get back here, don't you dare walk out on me!

Yeah Kusuo left me in the classroom, with these two tugging on my arms, like a barbie doll.

"i'll meet you at your house." Kusuo said, raising a hand to say goodbye as he walked away. Again, after all we've been through!

"let me go! i need to leave please, so that he doesn't leave without me!" i shouted at both of them, pulling my arms out of their grasp. they both looked at me with little black dots for eyes. I dusted myself off, and looked up at them with a passive aggressive smile.

"thank you! now i have to leave, goodbye!" i said, running after Kusuo, and waving to them.

"now that we've got them out of the way, stop in the name of jet black wings!" I heard Kaidou shout at Toritsuka while i was running after Kusuo.

     I caught up to Kusuo, just as he was leaving. Either he was waiting for me, or he's just a really slow walker. i was about to call Kusuo when, he turned back and grabbed me, teleporting me and him to some dark alleyway on the side of where me and him where. just as i was about to ask him something, i noticed he was looking out from the alley.
     i followed his eyes, and saw Peached t-girl calling Kusuo, and looking around for him, as if he were some kind of lost kitty. thank god he teleported us both when he did, or else we'd both have to deal with Peached t-girl again. though i do wonder how or why he got so good at doing things in the heat of the moment, but then again, he is a psychic so it's kind of expected. i sighed and pulled my sight away from Peached t-girl, to be startled by that irritating Toritsuka dude. 

"well what do we have here?" Toritsuka said. i snapped my head towards him, and saw him with a smug face.

"o-oh! what are you doing here Toritsuka, I asked, looking at him with a passive aggressive smile. "Me and Kusuo here, were just about to go back to my house!"

"i didn't know you guys were like that. Well played Saiki. Well played." Toritsuka said to Kusuo, in a solemn tone.

"n-not it's not like that- ...well it's not like that like that, we're just going to eat some coffee jelly because my mom makes them every day! a-and... but we are together!"

"alright then, i'm sorry i made it difficult for you, with my charming voice and features~" Toritsuka teased. Yeah. You made it hard for me not to slap you square in the face over seven times. 

"Y-yes, so if you could please stop hitting on me, that would be great. If not i'd have to make Kusuo go after you, and we wouldn't want that right?" i said, slightly more smug, but still trying to be passive aggressive.

"alright alright. I'll leave you two alone, just know Saiki, that if Y/n over here ever comes running to me, that's your fault. I hope this won't affect our student- teacher relationship, Toritsuka started to walk away, raising a hand, to signify his leave. "have a good day you two!" 

after Toritsuka left, i looked at Kusuo with a quizzical look on my face.

Kusuo, what did he mean, 'student- teacher relationship?'

"what did you mean, 'but we are together'. You were also a little too eager to get to me before we left, why was that?"

w-well i said we were together so that he would leave me alone and stop irritating me! You should know, you can read my mind! You're doing it right now! And don't pay attention to how eager i was... because i was hoping that you could teleport us home because my feet hurt from running at PE earlier today...

"sigh... fine. either way i'll end up having to work for you."

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