don't doubt your taste buds! (3)

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      When we finally stopped daydreaming, and walked inside the huge and giant restaurant, i chose one of the nearest tables, and we all sat down. What? You can't blame me for being lazy! None of you can stare me directly in the eyes and say, 'Well i'm always doing something! I've never had a lazy day in my life!'. After we sat down, there was an awkward silence, as everyone looked at their menu.

"What are you guys gonna get?" i asked, trying to break the silence because i couldn't decide on what to eat. the guys looked up at me from their menus.

"A meal fit for the hero of this planet! I'm getting the pork belly dish! Kaido shouted, "You should get the same, can't fight the dark reunion on an empty stomach!"

"If you think it's that good, i guess i'll try it! i replied, giving him a thumbs up. "what about you Nendo?"

"Oh me? I'm thinking plain old ramen. Hey Saiki, you've been quiet for a long time, what are you getting?" Nendo asked.

"I'll be getting coffee jelly. That's all" Saiki said. Well more or less 'said', because again, his lips don't move when he talks. The waiter quickly jotted down everything, and walked back to the kitchen to put in the order. Is this talking without lips moving thing, supposed to be some normal thing here in the S prefecture? If so, i think i've been living under a rock. If it's not, i bet this dude could be using telepathy or something-

"I have to use the bathroom." Saiki said abruptly. He instantly stood up, and walked towards the restroom. Was it something i said? Or rather- thought... hmm suspicious suspicious Saiki...

Right after Saiki left, the food was served, and we all began eating. I've heard of coffee jelly before, my mom makes them for me every day. Even though i don't really like coffee jelly, i admire my mom for putting in the hard work for me, so i try to eat it without gagging. The bitter taste that my mom adds in, doesn't really get along with my taste buds.

As i ate my pork belly dish, my eyes kept wandering back to the coffee jelly dish that was sitting lonely on the table. Maybe this coffee jelly tastes better than mom's one... or maybe it tastes sweet! At this point the coffee jelly looked really good, especially the little strawberry on top. I reached out to the coffee jelly, but quickly pulled back. No, you can't do it me... you have a reputation of being the goody two shoes to uphold, plus Saiki will be angry.

I know i really shouldn't... but it looks so sad without anyone to eat it... maybe it won't hurt to take one small bite. I reached out to the coffee jelly again, and took the spoon. This is so stressful, and i'm only taking a bite out of someone else's coffee jelly. Finally, i chomped down on the spoon, only to be reminded of the same bitter taste from my Mom's coffee jelly. Sure it didn't taste exactly like my mom's one, it actually tasted a bit sweeter, but eating the coffee jelly just reminded me of the bitter taste, so i spat it out, coughing and chocking.

As soon as they saw me struggling, Nendo and Kaido both began panicking around me. Kaido tried to calm me down, while Nendo tried to perform the Heimlich maneuver on me, but ended up cracking my back instead. When i finally stopped chocking, and the coffee jelly went down, Nendo dropped me on the floor. i was about to look back at him and ask what the big idea was, but then i looked up. I looked up, and saw Saiki's cold dead eyes looking at his coffee jelly on the table. 

After a small while, he looked down at me with an angry expression. The ground began to shake again, and  glass began to break. The windows, cups, plates, and bowls, all bursting into small shards of glass, as i watched the storm outside. Strong winds came, sweeping away anything, like table cloths and napkins, leaving any dishes that hadn't cracked before, tumbling to the floor. This is the second time this has happened today!(though the glass breaking thing is new) It's also the second time that i feel like this Saiki kid, has been at the centre of the whole thing!

I crawled slowly over to Saiki, and latched onto his legs, so that i wouldn't be blown away into the wind. As much as i hate begging and groveling at people's feet, i think i'd hate being dead more than that. I'm not dying today, and i'm certainly not dying tomorrow. i really need to think about who i hang out with, and check thoroughly! I wouldn't have been in this situation if i didn't decide to become friends with dummy one, dummy two, and anger issues!

"i'm sorry i ate your stupid coffee jelly! You don't have to break the whole restaurant because of it! i'll give you a homemade one, if you stop trying to  kill us all!" i yelled over the storm. When Saiki heard this, (and i think he heard it just barely)the whole ramen shop went back the normal. all the glass that was broken from the winds and storm, were all sitting on the table, as if nothing happened. same for the table cloths and napkins.

I swear this kid will be the death of me. And i only just met him! I don't know why no one else is panicking or questioning how the frick everything returned back to normal at the drop of a hat! Maybe this is another normal thing in the S prefecture. 

...yeah this is definitely not normal, and nothing can just go back to the way it was after literally being destroyed into a million pieces. It defies the laws of science.

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now