suspicious... (2)

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     Ah yes. School is finally over, and now it's time to crawl back into my cave of a bed, and hibernate until the summer. I walked out of the classroom, only to be stopped in the hallways by that jet black wings dude. 

"Hey jet black wings! ya' need something?" i asked. it took a moment, but he noticed what i said and immediately had stars in his eyes.

"You actually called me... jet black wings... you're a saint!" he cried. I gave him a... i think it's called a guilty smile? but that's not what i was thinking of... Oh well.

"Uh yes? isn't that what i'm supposed to call you by? Oh if you're jet black wings, can i be 'agent galactic knuckles'? I'll be your partner!" i asked. The stars in his eyes multiplied by thousands, and i could've sworn they outnumbered the actual stars in the sky. 

"Yeah! but you should work on your name. Maybe you could be Iron ethereal shield! We'll protect this world from the dark reunion with our lives, jet black wings, and Iron ethereal shield!" he shouted. Woah there bud. I'm not ready to die just yet. 

"Well where's your other buddies? We're still getting ramen right?" 

"Oh yeah, they're still getting their things ready, but let me tell you all about my secret plan to destroy the dark reunion-"

"Alright guys we're ready to go, sorry we took so long, my hand got stuck in the desk, and my buddy Saiki here had to help." Nendo said, scratching the back of his head with embarrassment, and pointing at the guy, who is believed to be Saiki. Kaido's enthusiastic mood turned into a whinny one, because he wouldn't get to tell me all about his secret plans.

"Well i guess it wouldn't be a secret plan if you told me." i said to Kaido. Thankfully, he cheered up a little, and we could leave for ramen. i hate to admit, but i was actually pretty excited about it, because i was hungry all day. they made us take a big test and it was only my first day. As of right now i'm looking at my scores. it could be better... i mean i am like right outside the middle zone on the so called 'leader board'.

we walked to a ramen restaurant just a few blocks away from school, and i had a huge suspicion towards this Saiki dude. Whenever he talks, he never actually opens his mouth... we all just somehow hear it...

"Hey Saiki, are you smart?" Nendo asked, trying his best not to laugh, as we walked along the sidewalk.


"What does y-e-s spell?" Kaido asked, with the same expression as Nendo. ah yes. what a classic.

"i'm not going to participate in your games" Saiki replied, "besides. I already know all the answers to your stupid games."

"well that's a little cold...  you should at least try, because you never know, you could be wrong!" i said, pointing at him. 

"I'm never wrong." he replied with the same cold, indifferent tone as before.

"Well judging by your scores for the test today, i think it's safe to say that you were wrong about that too." i teased.

"You're in no position to judge me, i was under ten places ahead of you." he replied. I could tell that my constant nagging got to him a little, so i tried to ease up on him. No need to pick a fight with a future friend, i need more allies in this place, i'm always making enemies... i think it's because people misunderstand what i'm trying to say. I guess that's why i've started this new trend with myself, hoping that one day my personality will just magically change into the one i choose to play.

"hey, hey! i'm not trying to judge you, you should ease up, it was just a joke!" i shouted with a playful punch to his arm. He was silent for a moment. Then he looked at me with dead eyes. The ground began to shake, and the clouds got darker. I couldn't help but feel he was the cause of all of this ruckus the the land and sky. i swear some people just can't take a joke.
     Almost as if my last thoughts had triggered something, everything went from the dog in the fire saying, '...this is fine.' to ned saying, 'we're all gonna die!'.  It's like this dude can read my mind or something, and my own thoughts are just making it worse!
     Then just as before, it was like my thoughts triggered something, and everything went back to normal again. I swear, this dude is really scaring me, i wonder what else he can do. All the bystanders, including Nendo, and Kaido, all began walking again as if nothing happened. This is really nerve wracking. I might know what's going on, but it's also a really rare thing, so you could see where my hesitance came from. 
     After a few moments of careful consideration, i decided to say nothing about the strange occurrences. Believe it or not, i've actually been choosing to stay silent about a lot of things lately, i'm not exactly sure why i'm doing this so often now, but i guess my confidence to be bold is kinda low right now, probably because a lot of people don't like me at first because of reasons stated previously...
     Well here we are, at the ramen house, awkwardly staring at the sign above as if we'd just reached a close to impossible milestone.

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