not ready (5)

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     I'll have to admit, the meal was short, but I actually had a lot of fun. Though I have no idea why Saiki was even there, he wasn't really engaging in the conversation. Don't get me wrong! it's not like i think we'd be better off without him, it's just... well I don't know how to explain it. 

     It's crazy how all I had to do was offer to buy him some more coffee jelly, and he would be fine. I thought for sure I was toast, because he looked like the fricken quiet kid from elementary school. I wouldn't be surprised if he carries a gun or two with him, let alone have superpowers. Nendou offered to pay, which i was really thankful for, because i forgot my wallet at home today.  Even though i got almost obliterated by Saiki, I think I'll hang with them again sometime.

"don't forget! Call me if you ever run into the dark reunion, and we can fight them side by side!" Kaidou said, handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. Nendou also handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. so is it just normal for people to carry around papers with their phone numbers on them all the time? Well a lot of things here  tend to be unnatural, so I guess i'll just go with the flow. Lucky for me, i think i still have some post-its left from my last day at the other school.

     I wrote down my number on three post-it notes, and gave them to each of of the boys. Saiki was a little reluctant to take it though,  but I was persistent enough to shove it in his bag secretly. I don't think I was really discreet though, because he could have superpowers. you know every time i think about him being a psychic, it's like he gives himself away, because he always has this small look of realization for about a second, and then his normal expression returns. Wow, I never knew I could be this observant. 

As we all parted ways an idea popped into my head. Maybe since he likes coffee jelly so much, I can use it to try and get along more with him. Call me an anime protagonist, but I'm actually really determined to make him my friend now. Plus it makes my image of being a kind and caring person more stable. 

Okay now! Quick before he gets away!

"hey Saiki wait!" I yelled, waving my arms in the air. Saiki turned around and looked at me with his normal bored expression. He didn't really bother to answer me, but that's fine. I can't take things like this too personally, because that's probably just the way he is. That is unless i really irritate him that much... nah probably not.

"wanna come over to my house for some more coffee jelly? My mom makes some everyday, and me and my sibling can't quite finish them." I said, walking aver to him. Oh who am i kidding, it can't be that easy. To my delight(and surprise), he said yes. As it turns out, it is that easy. wow, this dude really loves coffee jelly.

     i started leading him to my house, (which was surprisingly across the street from his)and i sat him down on the counter while i looked in the fridge for the coffee jelly. 
...yeah the coffee jelly wasn't there.
It turns out my brother had threw them away before i could get to them. Yeah it was pretty awkward... because i didn't know what to do. I can't tell him that we don't have coffee jelly, he'll hate me for wasting his time!

"W-well i'm having some trouble locating the coffee jelly that my mom made this morning, so you can go and watch some tv in the living room, make yourself at home!" I said nervously. Saiki walked into the living room, and i tossed him the remote for the tv from the basket on the island. Okay. Calm down me. 
...i said calm the frick down me!

I'm pretty sure it doesn't really take long for mom to make coffee jelly... right? It'll be fine, mom has the recipe in the recipe book, thank god it's not supposed to be a secret. I took a deep breath and flipped through the book until i found it. The sacred texts. and... the first ingredient is a tablespoon of gelatin powder.

It took a long time, and i finally finished, but something was wrong. It was still a liquid?! What the heck am i supposed to do?! Fry the thing until crispy brown-?!
...Yeah i need to refrigerate it... for about six to seven hours. I am royally screwed. I guess this is what i get for not listening to mom by not reading all the instructions before i started anything. 

Well the best chance i have, is to wait, and hope for the best. I put the coffee jellies in the freezer, and grabbed a few strawberries, washing them thoroughly. I then walked into the living room, slowly and nervously, as Saiki just stared at me as if i was some abnormal kind of fly. I swear, the whole universe is against me, and it's only just begun it's rain of terror on me. Maybe it is the dark reunion, like Kaidou said. Maybe it's because of this personality game i play all the time...

"so uh... slight set back. The coffee jellies aren't actually ready yet... b-but it will be soon! I lied. I kinda have a feeling that he doesn't buy it though...

"in the meantime i brought us some delicious and healthy strawberries to eat! my mom still makes me eat something healthy before eating sweets." i finished.

"i'll pass." Saiki replied. On the tv, there was this Mystery show playing. I didn't know what it was called, but the main character was detective lucky, along with his sidekick, a donkey. a really bizarre choice in partner, but i don't judge.

just coffee jelly (saiki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now