Nicknames & Hobbies

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I narrow my eyes at the beautiful stranger that is studying me, waiting for a reaction. I can't shake the familiar feeling as she tilts her head daring me to question her.

"So you are an actress then?" I question calmly.

"Mhm I am, but I'm other things too." She smiles sweetly. Jesus if she keeps smiling like that I'll fall in love, Whoa, back up and take a breath.

"Well of course. Are you on a vacation then? No projects at the moment?" I pry, hoping to get some insight into the mystery woman in front of me.

"I just ended one. I may need to go back, but for now, I decided to visit my family here in New York. I needed an escape." I grin at her admission that she is also escaping something. I take a breath and think about my next question. I decide to let go of the actress thing, we can figure that out later.

"It's always nice to visit family. Although, mine makes me crazy most of the time. Do you like New York?" I mirror her position propping up my head on my hand and scan her face again.

"I love New York, I grew up on the West Coast, but there's just something about this city that excites me." She plays with the bottom of her shirt as she shares the personal information. This can't be easy for her, I can feel her censoring herself.

"I'm sorry If I'm prying, I just find it easy to talk to you." I let her know because it's true.

"Oh princess, don't worry. If I was uncomfortable I would have left already." She gives me a sweet smile, then continues as I process her new nickname for me. "I'd like to know more about you though. You are a teacher, where did you go to college?"

"New York University. It's the reason I moved here...and princess?" I blush a little as my eyes focus on a child riding a scooter past us to avoid seeing her reaction.

"Well, you were named after one weren't you?" I can hear the smirk in her voice. I roll my eyes but before I can say anything snarky back she continues talking, "I actually went to NYU as well."

"Oh wow! That's so cool. I'm assuming Tisch?" She nods letting me continue, "Kind of crazy a couple of strangers went to the same school, what else do you think we have in common?" I'm curious about her reply.

She thinks for a minute, contemplating, trying to come up with something. Her focus shifts to a family having a picnic, a skateboarder, and a lady yelling at some guy about who knows what before looking back at me.

"I'd have to say that we both enjoy people watching...would I be right?" I nod with a small smile. "What are your hobbies then? What makes Princess Y/N happy?" She questions casually.

I think for a beat before replying, "Well I minored in dance, I like being creative so I enjoy playing and listening to music, uh this is random but I and my friends try different accents all the time and think we are hilarious. And I like people watching, I've been told I'm observant so it fits." I take a breath and realize I kind of rambled, eager to share so I can hopefully know more about her in return. "What about you, what makes...The Angel Beth happy?" Her head snaps to me and she tilts it at my attempt at a nickname.

"Angel?" She questions

"Well if you get to call me princess I think I should get to call you something too. Someone who checks on a stranger as you did must be an angel. New Yorkers are not that kind." I give her a half-smile, afraid of her reaction. I thankfully stopped myself before spitting out a cheesy pick-up line about angels or telling her she looks like an angel on earth. Get a grip Y/N.

She nods slightly returning my half-smile before speaking, "I like to cook, garden, and be with my family. With my job, I don't have tons of free time but when I do, I see family, cook for them and check on my home garden. I love music too, I kind of play guitar. Accents are fun so I don't blame you about having fun with those." She seems to mirror my responses and I hum in thought. The way she phrases her sentences is so soothing, patient but purposeful.

"You must be great at accents."

"You could say that. I've had to do many for the projects I've done." Even though she's sharing something impressive and owns it, it's delivered so humbly.

"Which ones?"

She turns to make eye contact, at least I think she does since her face is still covered by those stupid sunglasses.

"Southern American, British, and Russian."

"Oooooo a multitalented woman!" I tease and she just shakes her head focusing back on the family having a picnic. I take in her side profile again and say "Do you know any Russian? Or just the accent? I feel like that's a hard language."

"I do actually, I went to Russia for a semester and learned a thing or two. I only remember obscure naughty stuff though." She says completely serious and I laugh in response. Something about the way she deadpanned the sentence was hilarious. She smiles in response but keeps her focus on the family.

"I used to know some Spanish and ASL, but I'm not fluent at all," I reply. She nods and we fall into a comfortable silence. Neither eager to talk, but not eager to leave either. Our conversation wasn't done but we didn't need to talk. I take in the moment, realizing how weird this situation is. I usually avoid everyone in public at all costs, but here I am trying to get to know Beth. There's a feeling in my chest that I can't ignore, it's too intense. I want to know her. I sigh in acceptance and wonder how I am going to ask for this beautiful woman's number. Before I make a plan she speaks up.

"This was nice Y/N," Oh no, is she leaving?

"I have to meet my sisters for dinner soon, so I have to get going." She informs me but doesn't make a move to get up. Okay Y/N figure it out and just ask.

"It was really nice, I'm lucky you decided to check on me. You're easy to talk to Angel, and I would like to see you again if that's something you are interested in?" I hold my breath, that wasn't smooth at all! Find your chill Y/N you got this.

She pauses for a minute and her gaze on me makes me shift awkwardly. Her face breaks into a smile and she holds out her hand. I look at it confused.

"Give me your phone." She kindly commands. I find my phone in my bag and hand it over trying to keep my cool. She opens it up and types her number in then hands it back. "Make sure you text me so I have yours too, but I have to go or I'll be late. This was fun, princess, hope to see you soon." And with that she stands and makes her way out of the park, my eyes following her in disbelief. I look down at my phone and smile at her contact name: Angel💕

Best. Day. Ever.

Here's part 2, hope it's okay! I don't really love this one but oh well. Also, I'm horrible at editing so sorry for any mistakes. I kind of want this to be a slow burn but also not at the same time lol.

Edited 5/19: I'm still emotional omg

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now