Waffles & Dancing

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I stir awake to the smell of something sweet. Before I open my eyes I can hear a soft humming and I realize the smell is waffles. I peek one eye open and see Lizzie moving back and forth making the waffles and humming to herself, it makes me smile. She seems comfortable here which makes my heart happy. I watch as she reaches to get a few plates and puts some finished waffles on one, but continues to make another batch.

"You are making breakfast too? I guess that means I get to buy lunch again." I state and smirk at her small startled jump.

"Jesus, you scared me!" She turns and looks down at me and my smirk. She rolls her eyes and kicks the air mattress in retaliation. "Get up lazy, it's waffle time." I smile and sit up slowly, stretching. I stop mid-stretch realizing something.

"You are using my Marvel waffle maker aren't you?" I question. She smirks at me and turns back to the machine, clearly loving my embarrassment. "In my defense, it was a Christmas present. I didn't buy it myself." I pause realizing there is soft music playing from my record player. She put on my Guardians of the Galaxy record. This woman is trying to kill me from embarrassment. "You had to play this one huh?" I add-in.

"I think it's cute how much you love your Marvel movies. It's sweet." She states softly as she plates the second batch of waffles. She splits them up and moves to the fridge trying to find something. "You don't have any fruit. You seriously need groceries."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I've been kind of busy lately. This random stranger decided to hijack all my free time." I tease. She narrows her eyes at me pursing her lips.

"Rude, and besides, you love it. I am your celebrity crush you know." She states proudly finding maple syrup instead.

"Used to be, now that I met you I think Scarlett takes the top spot." I tease back. She gasps dramatically.

"Now that's fucking rude. I'm great. I'm making you breakfast!" Her dramatics make me laugh and she joins in.

"Sorry, Angel. Breakfast is greatly appreciated." I finally get up from the mattress and make my way to the bathroom. Once I get myself situated, I go back into the kitchen and smile at my plated waffles sat on the counter for me. I take the plate in my hands and join Lizzie on the couch. We eat in silence for a while before I decide to speak up. "These are great, thank you for breakfast Elizabeth." I give her a small smile.

"You're welcome, Y/N." She smiles back and we continue our breakfast, listening to I Want You Back. I can't help but bop my head along with one of my favorite songs. Lizzie notices and the half-smile that grows on her face makes me melt. I stop bobbing my head and take my last bite of waffle. "Don't stop on my account, it was cute." She says simply like it's a normal thing to say. I roll my eyes and get up.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet." I rinse my plate then playfully spin around. She giggles and shakes her head at me. I continue dancing around like a goof and do the Jackson 5 choreography. Her giggles fill my ears and it makes my stomach flutter. As the last chorus hits, I take her empty plate away and grab her hands forcing her to her feet to dance with me.

"Y/N!" She squeals as I spin her around. The smile on her face makes my smile grow. I start screeching the lyrics at her and her giggles return. I snake my arm around her waist and take a hold of her other hand rocking back and forth forcing her to as well. Her hand grabs onto my shoulder and she gives in to my silliness. I spin her out and back in so her back ends up pressed to my chest and her laugh fills my ears. I spin her back out then bring her back facing me. She joins in on my screeching of the lyrics, us yelling the lyrics in each other's faces and we strike a pose at the final "I want you back!" We fall back not the couch in fits of giggles trying to catch our breaths. "Although that was extremely silly and fun, you can really dance!" She exclaims still calming her heart rate down.

"I love to dance for fun. I end up being the organizer of dances at weddings and such. One time the DJ told my mom without my energy the event wouldn't have been as fun. I start conga lines, cotton eye joe, you name it. I love just dancing for fun even though I was also an actual competitive dancer too." I explain, my eyes focused on my ceiling. Her head turns to the side to look at me and she smiles softly.

"Well, that was fun. I forget it's fun to be silly." She replies. And as it usually does when we are having a moment, her phone buzzes from somewhere in my apartment. She huffs and gets up, taking it off of the counter. Her furrowed eyebrows make me frown. I don't like when she's stressed. She types out a response but returns to sitting next to me.

"Do you have to go?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"No, just my sisters checking up on me. Had to let my agent know I would do Jimmy Fallon too." She adds like it's nothing.

"Holy shit, that's exciting," I state

She hums, "Yeah, press can be stressful though, I always think I'm going to say or do something wrong." Her eyebrows furrow again and I reach out and push between her eyebrows with my thumb, forcing her face to relax. She smiles softly.

"Well, I think your fans will be excited. They love anything you do, who cares what anyone else thinks." I say trying to make her feel better, but I know nothing about what she goes through on a day-to-day basis. Her eyes connect with mine as she thinks it over. She nods in response. We listen to the last song fade away and I sigh. This is nice. I enjoy being with her. I have fun and I'm comfortable, but I can't help worrying about when this will end. I'm already attached to her, someone I probably shouldn't expect to stick around forever and it makes my chest hurt. A thumb pushes against the space between my eyebrows and my attention focuses back on the woman beside me, my face relaxing. She smiles softly as I make eye contact and I return it. "I see you've stolen my trick."

"It worked for me, thought it would work for you too." Her voice cracks in the whispered tone we use since we are so close to each other.

"My mom used to do it to me whenever I got anxious," I reveal. Her eyes flicker between mine and I hold my breath. I'm so comfortable with her, yet so nervous too. I mean I'm staring into the eyes of one of my biggest celebrity crushes and it's nice. My brain is still processing while my body has already accepted the comfort she brings me.

"I like it." She states simply. Both our heads turn back to stare at the ceiling. She hasn't made any move to leave. She is still in my clothes and making me food. She must like it here, being with me. I try to not think that thought too seriously, more thoughts like that will get me more attached.

"Do you want to talk about it? About Robbie?" I ask, sensing her mind is racing. The surprised look she gives me tells me my question wasn't expected but on the mark of her racing thoughts. She sits up a little, sitting criss-cross applesauce facing me.

"It's complicated." She states, staring down at her fiddling fingers.

"I've got all of the time in the world for you, Elizabeth," I say softly. Her eyes lock with mine and the soft smile that grows on her face makes me smile in return.

A/N I thought this was really cute. Y/N is struggling with her feelings though. What do you think Lizzie is going to say about Robbie?

(Edited 5/19)

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