Breaks & Sweatshirts

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I watch as Lizzie tries to formulate her words. I give her time, I can be patient and this is for her, not for me. I notice that she seems to realize something.

"Wait isn't it Monday?" She asks

I nod, "Yes? Why?"

"Don't you have to teach?" She asks concerned.

I smile, "It's Memorial Day, sweetheart, schools closed. But, we do go back tomorrow." A soft blush fills her cheeks and she nods accepting my response.  Wait, was that because I called her sweetheart? Cute. She takes a deep breath then starts talking.

"I keep going over what I want to explain about the situation with Robbie, but I'm still trying to figure it out myself. It's hard to explain how someone I care so deeply about is now someone I'm not sure I want to marry." She starts. I nod and give a small smile showing her I'm listening. She takes a breath. "Robbie is great, he's my best friend and we've been together for so long. He's been doing well with his music lately now that things are opening up and is traveling a lot. I have my commitments with my projects too. So after being with each other for months in quarantine and now not seeing each other a lot, it just created some tension. I love him, a lot, and I care for him. It just feels like our paths are going in different directions right now. I just don't know what to do about it. We talked about it, and he feels the same way, so we decided to call off the engagement for now. We couldn't get on the same page about our future together. We both described what we wanted out of our futures and none of our plans lined up. We realized this and I guess, mutually decided to take a break. I still love him and care for him deeply, but I don't feel in love with him anymore." She finishes with a sigh. I frown, she cares so much for him that it hurts her to hurt him. But, everything made sense to me, why it's stressful, and why her family may not understand.

"Thank you for opening up to me, I know it wasn't easy. I understand completely what you mean. Sometimes it's the right person, at the wrong time and it sucks. I can imagine that your sisters don't fully understand the situation and probably want you to not give up on someone and something that makes you so happy. And I can see how that can become stressful, trying to explain that to people who want what's best for you. I get it, Lizzie. Your feelings and worries are valid, and if you'd like we can talk about this stuff whenever you need to." I hold eye contact with her throughout my response and see her shoulders relax slightly.

"You're good at that." She sniffs and I realize she teared up a little during our conversation. "You understand something I only told you about five minutes ago. How the hell did you know exactly what to say?" She questions as she runs her fingers across her cheeks trying to calm herself down.  A lock of her hair falls over her face as she looks down to her lap. I reach out and slowly tuck it behind her ear, causing her to look up at me. I gently smile.

"I don't know, I'm just good with this stuff despite my lack of relationship experience. My friends come to me for advice all the time. I've learned that listening to respond is not as good as listening to understand." I explain. She hums in agreement.

"I like that." She pauses, reaching out to take my hand, squeezing it, "Thank you"

"Of course," I smile and rub my thumb across the back of her hand. She shivers a little, "I'm going to take a quick shower, I feel stinky, but if you need anything feel free to find it. Sweatshirts are in the closet." She quirks an eyebrow at me.

"How did you know I was cold?" She questions, "You are way too observant." She states, before getting up and heading over to my closet. I stand and stretch before heading to the bathroom for a shower. I turn the shower on and close the door, ignoring the soft giggle coming from my room. I wonder what she found. I step in and take a nice calming shower humming quietly to myself. When I shut the water off I realize I didn't bring a change of clothes. Whoops. I throw on my shirt and wrap the towel around my hips to go get some new clothes. When I open the door I see a smirking Lizzie with my S.W.O.R.D sweatshirt on. That little shit.

"Where did you find that Elizabeth?" I ask as I make my way over to my dresser pulling out some pants.

"In your closet where you told me to look Y/N. It's actually really comfy you absolute dork." She's getting too much satisfaction over this.

"Yeah, yeah you live to tease me I got it." I huff out as I make my way back into the bathroom to get dressed. I slip on my jeans and a plain black t-shirt then walk back out combing my hair. "Are you going to keep that on?" I question whining a little.

"Of course I am, it's fun to watch you squirm." She states pretty proud of herself. "So, are we getting groceries today since I have taken up all your free time?" She asks casually.

"We?" I question. She shifts slightly and shrugs.

"I don't have any plans, figured I'd get you food that is actually good for you. If that's okay?" She's nervous and I can tell by the way she bites her lip waiting for my response.

"Okay, Angel. Sounds like a plan. Let's get you a change of clothes." I turn to my closet and think. What seems like something Lizzie would wear. How about a dress? I find a sundress that seems her style, simple with flowers here and there. I turn around, "How's this?" I ask. She scrunches her nose and shakes her head. I hum and turn back around. I find a romper I haven't worn in years, a simple design on it. I hold it up in her direction. She shakes her head again. "Picky I see, well what do you want to wear madam?" She hums in thought as she stands up, opens up a drawer to find some maroon linen shorts, and pushes me away from my closet to find a black t-shirt, she looks at me, puts it back, and takes out a cream-colored one instead. "What you don't want to match?" I smirk. She smirks and prances out of my room to the bathroom to get changed. I smile at her playful attitude after an intense conversation earlier. She comes out, grabs her discarded sunglasses from her purse, and stands facing me. How does she make such a simple outfit look like she just came off the runway?

"Ready?" She asks while slipping on her sunglasses. I smile and nod grabbing my keys and we set off for the store.

A/N They at making strides getting to know each other! :)

(Edited 5/19)

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now