Morning Snuggles & Rooftops

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I wake up slowly, taking a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent surrounding me. I pull her body closer, not wanting to be fully awake and having to move.

"It's almost noon" she informs me quietly. I hum in response.

"Shhh, I'm sleeping" I snuggle my face into her. Her hand combs through my hair, pushing it out of my face and I hum in satisfaction. She gathers my hair to one side and runs her hand down my back which feels heavenly. It lulls me back to sleep but I'm still aware of her hand rubbing up and down my back. My body wakes up a little though, when her skin makes contact with the skin of my back, is her hand in my shirt? I open my eyes and lift my head taking note of our position. Instead of her on my chest, she's slightly sitting up, my arms around her hips, my body between her legs, and my head laid on her stomach. Well, this is new.

Noticing my confusion she explains, "I got up earlier to pee, and when I came back you kind of just latched on. It's okay though, I've been reading." She assures me noticing my flushed cheeks and she shakes the book in her hand. Her other hand slides back up my back and pushes my head back down. "It's okay, you get to snooze for a little longer." Well, I can't say no to that.

"I had a plan for today" I inform her. She hums in question. "We were going to go to Governor's Island for the day, ride bikes, have a picnic, do some mild hiking. It's kind of late for that now." I pout against her tummy.

"We can do that tomorrow" she replies, not caring that my plans were ruined by my sleepiness. "Just relax, yesterday was a lot" I hum back and shake my head back in forth rubbing my nose into her stomach. She giggles, "Stop that it tickles" she pushes my head to the side and I end up looking up at her through my lashes. "What?" She whispers out to me.

"Nothing" I reply, focusing my gaze on my window, noticing the rain. "Guess it would have been no fun anyway. Can we finish the movie? We can't not watch the most iconic dance scene ever." I exclaim with a fake exasperated tone.

"Of course, princess. I'll put it on" I smile at her response. Her closeness is comfortable, and she seems to feel the same about it. She finds the remote and fast forwards to the last scene.

"Nobody puts Baby in the corner," I say seriously. She laughs and slips her free hand back down the back of my shirt, laying her hand on my bare upper back. She's really touchy today. I'm not complaining though. I hum along to the song and her nails slightly scratch at my spine. I try to ignore it, but it's hard.

"What is it like filming a movie?" I ask genuinely curious. She doesn't answer right away so I tilt my head up to look at her. She's thinking, I can tell because she biting her lip lightly.

"It's different depending on the genre, director, franchise." She starts and notices my attention is on her, waiting for more information. "With Marvel, it's very secretive but also really fun. I like everyone that works on those movies. With other more low-key stuff sometimes there are creepy producers, but directors listen when I let them know I don't someone on set during more vulnerable scenes. Ingrid goes west was very different, I think because of Aubrey. She's great. So yeah, it depends." She concludes.

"What was your favorite project to work on?" I ask, wanting to know more. Her eyes flicker down to meet mine again and sees my genuine curiosity.

"That's a hard one. I really enjoy Sorry For Your Loss since I'm a little bit more involved as a producer. Wanda means a lot to me though. Wandavision was fun to do, mostly because I wanted her character to go in this direction for a while now. Paul is always fun and the kids were so cute. The whole cast and crew were a lot of fun." She finishes her thought and I nod in acceptance. I turn my attention back to the movie to catch the iconic lift.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now