Week 5: Tattoos & Packing

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The next few nights I barely get sleep since my mind won't stop thinking about my girlfriend leaving at the end of the week. We don't do anything special but spend as much time together as possible. Lizzie has gradually started packing some stuff she's bringing with her and I've been sneakily taking stuff out of her suitcase because I'm not ready. We go on walks and tell stories about our childhood to continue to learn more and more about each other. I go to the gym each day to get some frustration out too. Lizzie can tell I'm slowly getting sadder and sadder each day but she does her best to make me laugh and give me lots of love.

Today I want to get my Scarlett Witch tattoo, or well so she thinks. I'm currently waiting for Lizzie to join me once she gets dressed. Oh yeah, we've been naked a lot too. "Angel, my appointment is soon." I call into the apartment from the front door, twirling my keys around my finger.

"Coming! Sorry, I had to reply to a few emails. I got my schedule today." She explains and slips her shoes and sunglasses on. She takes my hand and kisses my cheek sweetly before following me out of the door. I smile softly and savor every bit of affection I can. I rub my thumb against her hand in mine as we make our way to the shop. "So what are you getting?" She inquires, trying to get it out of me.

"I'm not showing you until its done, my love, so don't even try." I smirk and she huffs in annoyance. I hold the door open for her and follow her inside the shop, giving my name and they set us up. I sit down on the chair and let the guy know that its a surprise. He angles himself so Lizzie can't see but still can hold my hand. For some reason she insists on holding my hand in case it hurts even though I've gotten two before. If I can survive Scarlett tattooing me I'll be fine, but I still smile at her concerned eyes on my face waiting for a sign of pain.

The artist puts the stencil on and confirms that I like the placement on my collarbone right above my heart. I nod in reply and he sets everything up before starting the machine. I lock eyes with my beautiful girlfriend and squeeze her hand.

"What does your schedule look like, Angel?" I ask and notice the artist smirks in realization.

"Sorry For Your Loss starts September 1st and goes until November, right before Thanksgiving. Which means I'll be back for Thanksgiving." She begins, taking her phone out to look at the rest of her year. "I have filming for my HBO series in December, off for Christmas and New Years and then back for HBO from January to the beginning of March. March will be full of press for Dr. Strange and then the Premier event will be the night before its in theaters so the 24th. You're still my date for that right?" She clarifies and I nod. "I have filming in April and May but I can't tell you what for yet, its a Marvel secret. Then I have a few months off for the summer kind of like this summer." She explains the general schedule to me. Okay that's not horrible. We will see each other for the Holidays and I can visit on long weekends.

"That's better than I thought." I comment and she hums in reply, putting her phone away.

"It will be weird not being with each other every day, but we can do it. Holidays will be together. Except for Valentine's Day." She comments.

"Excuse the fuck out of me but we will be together for Valentine's Day and your birthday." I pout, how dare she even think that we wouldn't be together then.

"You'll be working, Princess." She reminds me.

"I will be taking time off then." I shoot back and she sighs in acceptance. "I'll request it as soon as the school year starts." I add and she plays with my fingers as a fuzzy smile covers her face. The artist shifts and her eyes shift to my chest. "Hey! No peeking." I tease and she rolls her eyes before they connect back to mine. I'm going to miss those eyes. The artists cleans and covers the inked skin once he confirms I love it. I thank him and give him a tip before we leave.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now